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Save and Load Clips
It would be really nice to be able to save individual clips that contain a kit or a synth. At the moment you can save a song/arrangement and you can save a synth or kit, but I don't think you can save just a clip alongside its synth or kit settings. I'm a bit of a lazy person, and a full song is often a bit overfacing for me; so my workflow runs along the lines of creating lots of small clips and then later stitching them together to make an arrangement - at the moment it would be difficult to use the Deluge in this fashion - unless I'm missing something. The way I think it could work would be to have a seperate folder for clips, and it would be great if you could preview them before loading in the same way that you can preview samples. I'm not sure how difficult it would be to implement (but I suppose it's not hugely different than loading a full song), and I'm not sure if it is something anyone else would like, but it would certainly aid my lazy creativity. And just to add, that this is my first post. If someone else has put this forward then please forgive me. i did look through the forum and couldn't find another post like this, but I might have missed something. I did see a post about naming clips, and I suppose if you're saving them then you'd also want to name them, and I did comment on that thread before I was approved for making my own discussions.
Send an LFO and/or an Envelope to one or both CV Outs
It would be nice to be able to send one of the envelopes or the LFOs to one or both of the CV outs. There are all sorts of reasons why this would be a great feature - such as sending a tempo synced LFO out to a filter or oscillator. And you can never have too many LFO or Envelope sources in a modular set up.
Ability to name clips (+ shortcut to read it in song mode)
I'd like to name clips and also save them - and then have the option to load clips either with their synth or kit settings or just their pattern sequences. My workflow is that I often like to create short sequences and then use them in longer compositions. The longer compositions may be created long after I have worked on the clip. So I'd like to be able to save midi/synth/kit clips in the same way that I can save synth/kits/songs. And loading the clips I'd like to hear a preview of them in the same way as loading a sample into a kit. I'm not a programmer but I suspect this owuld not be difficult to do, and would make the Deluge hugely more versatile.
Piano Roll for Kit Instruments
Another thing that sprung to mind when I thought about this idea a bit longer, is that if it was implemented then there would be a possibility of tranferring all the data from the arranger directly back into a new Kit. Which would be great for building up complex song structures. Essentially the code would have to go through every synth, audio clip, and kit in the arranger line by line, and add each synth, audio clip, and Kit instrument to the new Kit with the piano roll and effects for each instrument/sample. I know it would probably be a lot of work, but it would make the Deluge a monumental sequencer/workstation and propel it into a league of its own.
The way this could be accessed by the front panel would be that - when you were in Arranger Mode - you'd press the Kit button and the Song button at the same time, and this would then create a new kit with all the Arranger data and instruments in it, and mute the rest of the tracks in the arranger.