@jonesy101 said:
You picked a lot of stuff that sounds relatively similar to a Deluge. I would suggest an analog synth. Not sure what use pedals are as dluge is pretty self contained with lack of ins outs
You're welcome to not like my recommendations. lol And I also suggested an analog synth, and there is a few more smaller ones I would have suggested if I had thought of them when I was making the post. I've also found plenty of different ways to creatively incorporate pedals with the Deluge.
But frankly, and I probably should have made this clear from the beginning of my original post - but Im not approaching this idea as recommending a single partner device to pair with the Deluge and that's it. As much as the Deluge can do by itself, I don't see ANY piece of gear as all inclusive, and very few pieces of gear as "matched pairs" so to speak. So essentially my idea here was to suggest mobile / smallish gear choices that can come together and compliment each other, and the Deluge, as parts in a "system" - not just a single piece of gear to pair with the Deluge.
Hope that helps at least a little in explaining how I approached the question of companions to the Deluge. Blessings!
I have the LD2. It’s a crazy amazing machine. LD3 is out now and it’s even better with option to put a real analog filter board in it. His mulltimode filter on the LD2 is great though.
The elektron machines, of course! Monomachine + machinedrum, Rytm, Digitone. Use the inputs creatively and you have a small killer setup for live uses!
Besides that, a well-built and prepared eurorack is crazy good with the D.
@Makai said:
Ok, bear with me, but I literally created an account for the express reason of sharing a very dope, very portable and very flexible combination of cheap gear that is, in my opinion opening up some stuff in some of the few weak areas of the deluge. Only able to vouche for iOS combination, though I'm sure an android facsimile could be assembled.
No one has mentioned Access Virus.
The Virus in 'multi mode' is perfect synth companion to complement the Deluge, and you can route the Deluge's audio through one of the Virus's multi mode parts, and use all the Virus effects on it as well.
The two make a very powerful combination.
My Deluge is on it's way, should be here in a couple of days.
At first I'll be using it alongside a Modal Skulpt and a PreenFM2. The Skulpt is known for producing really thick/fat, full sounds, something which seems to be mentioned quite often as a weakness of the Deluge, so hopefully they'll compliment each other nicely. The PreenFM2 just has much a deeper FM engine than Deluge so I'm confident it can contribute a lot.
For the future, I'm considering the Empress Zoia for its almost unlimited modular effects and synth capabilities. Also possibly a Volca Drum, because I'm not sure if it's possible to coax these kind of crazy warped drum sounds out of the Deluge synth engine (I'll be experimenting to see if I can first).
I also really like the Micromonsta, but I'm not sure how much it contribute that the Deluge can't... does anybody have any thoughts on this, please?
Any other comments or advice on my setup plans would be very welcome, as I'm fairly new to this.
The Deluge's synth engine is OK. It could use more filter types to make sounds coming out of it less recognisable, but you can create some decent patches with it. The biggest problem from my perspective is the lack of presets. You will have to spend a lot of time designing instruments if you don't use external gear.
So, you'll have a good starting point with the Skulpt and PreenFM2 .
The Volca Drum is ace and great to control from the Deluge. You can create a synth drum kit on the Deluge using multiple clips, but again, you will spend a lot of time doing it and it's not really convenient to use.
The Micromonsta is out of stock and I'm not sure it's coming back. It's a bit dated and due a makeover.
The Zoia is great to experiment, but it's underpowered, so you'll only really be able to use it for one thing at a time: FX or synth.
To replace both, you could look at something like the MOD Duo X. Its current synth collection isn't very vast, but thinks should improve in the coming months.
The Pisound is also interesting now that the Raspberry Pi 4 is out.
Don't forget the pisound paired with pi3 can also run a decent emulation of the mod duo to. The guys at blokas have recently mentioned they might include this in their patchbox custom os/ modified linux operating system for the pi. This helps by pre configuring the pi settings to run audio in the best possible way .
Btw all software free and open source .
My Deluge has another awesome new companion already! I had an opportunity to pick up a Waldorf Blofeld Desktop (black) for a really nice price so I took it. It's in nearly perfect condition too.
Also possibly a Volca Drum, because I'm not sure if it's possible to coax these kind of crazy warped drum sounds out of the Deluge synth engine (I'll be experimenting to see if I can first).
Honestly with the envelopes the way they are, it's really hard to get good drum sounds from the Deluge synth engine. When tying oscillator pitch to an envelope, a decay setting of more than 0, 1, or 2 (out of 50) gets out of "click" and "thump" and straight to "laser beam" territory. Even the trick of setting a parameter to a gold knob for finer adjustment doesn't work for envelope settings. I spent a long time experimenting with it before I got a DFAM. I find the envelopes to be the weakest element of the Deluge's generally powerful and capable engine.
Hey @Edi - how do you connect your iPad to the Deluge? Via the USB or midi-in port on the Deluge?
I've got a bunch of midi-controller type apps that I'm keen to experiment with, but am using a USB connection (with a USB camera connection kit) and am not sure the Deluge is detecting any midi signal.
I have a ton of gear and I've found simply multisampling a lot of my most used synth patches into the deluge has been amazing. I made an Ableton set that automatically records a set length for each note in a range, then I have a couple batch programs that tag each wav file with their note, so the deluge knows exactly how to map them. I use my prophet 6, sub37, and a couple Roland boutiques a lot this way. I also really like doing this for stuff like FM8 and Serum. The deluge's multisampler is amazing.
I also made a headless Mac mini (doesn't use a monitor or keyboard/mouse) with some custom scripts, so it just starts, opens an Ableton set with a bunch of my favorite vsts on different midi channels. The deluge can change the presets using a golden knob cc, and I can play all the different vsts by asking the deluge to transmit on different midi channels.
To everyone bashing on electribes or other similar gear, I implore you to look at it a different way. Yes the deluge can do what most of these things can do. But sometimes in a song writing environment that can be very beneficial to have redundant but different work flows to mess with. I've used my octatrack and Ableton alongside by deluge and they work great.
Lastly, Electron stuff was mentioned so I'll chime in... I honestly don't love how Electron stuff sounds. I've owned an analog keys and still own an octatrack and they can kind of sound sterile... the possibilities are endless, but it doesn't really warrant it for me. Something like a prophet rev 2 or original works way better for me, especially because you can just sequence it with the deluge.
All in all, you can get a lot of gear that pairs well with the deluge. My own recommendation would be to use a computer and some vsts first to see if you like having that kind of flexibility at your fingertips. If you find yourself wanting to be more hands on, bring your deluge to a guitar center if something and try it with a prophet or other synth you like. Lastly, if you want more flexibility in sound mangling and even more looping possibilities, maybe an octatrack or digitakt would be fun. There really is no right answer. Sorry this got so long, haha.
I started building a home studio and currently own a Deluge,Yamaha Montage 8 and am waiting for my Korg Wavestate. Can anybody recommend or suggest the best way to connect the Deluge to this setup?I am not using any DAW, strictly hardware only. I like it to be hands on. Any help will be greatly welcomed.
@lchatanaka said:
I have a ton of gear and I've found simply multisampling a lot of my most used synth patches into the deluge has been amazing. I made an Ableton set that automatically records a set length for each note in a range, then I have a couple batch programs that tag each wav file with their note, so the deluge knows exactly how to map them. I use my prophet 6, sub37, and a couple Roland boutiques a lot this way. I also really like doing this for stuff like FM8 and Serum. The deluge's multisampler is amazing.
I also made a headless Mac mini (doesn't use a monitor or keyboard/mouse) with some custom scripts, so it just starts, opens an Ableton set with a bunch of my favorite vsts on different midi channels. The deluge can change the presets using a golden knob cc, and I can play all the different vsts by asking the deluge to transmit on different midi channels
sounds nice. what do you use to tag the wav files?
@Makai said:
Ok, bear with me, but I literally created an account for the express reason of sharing a very dope, very portable and very flexible combination of cheap gear that is, in my opinion opening up some stuff in some of the few weak areas of the deluge. Only able to vouche for iOS combination, though I'm sure an android facsimile could be assembled.
iRig Duo (2 chan. audio+midi I/O) - roughly $160 USD online
Roli Lightpad Block M - $150-200 USD online
MIDIflow IOS app - $7 USD
In my opinion, one of the biggest setbacks for the deluge, which has otherwise replaced my convoluted and dozens-of-hours-in-the-making ableton setup, is that the controller itself doesn't do velocity or expression in any tactile way. The synth engine is really not bad when you're able to have expressive control over it, and even just playable velocity makes a huge difference in expression. After realizing that the deluge was becoming my new workhorse, I started looking for a portable, battery-fed and expressive controller, mostly for leads and dynamic drums.
This led me to the roli lightpad. very expressive drum pad, portable, cheap, internal battery...only setback: proprietary software makes for convoluted interfacing with any hardware.
That said, I spent a while researching a workaround and toying around with my pre-owned Irig Duo, which has midi functionality and Audio I/O to/from iphone.
Results: after tinkering with a combination of the IOS app "MIDIflow", the iRig Duo midi output and lightpad (connected to iphone via bluetooth, and customized via the proprietary dashboard app) I was quickly able to configure the lightpad to not only trigger deluge's synths/drums for sequencing with very low-latency, but also to reign in the MPE powers of the roli to modulate dedicated parameters (so far glide/pitchbend on x, filter sweep on y, and aftertouch on whatever) on the deluge, meaning I can use the x/y pad as a trigger with (I think max of 2) dynamic effects I can control after thumping one of 25 notes/pads on the lightpad.
The best part: Entire setup is self powered, totally mobile, potentially very flexible (IOS audio processing, I/O for instruments/mic via iRig, expressive midi ctrl, etc.) and cheap!
I have an ipad mini, camera connecter kit, powered usb hub, motu m2 audio interface, 3 lightpad blocks and 2 seaboard blocks and have been trying to connect them do my deluge.
First i tried directly, seeing as both the lightpad blocks, the seaboard blocks and the deluge have their own battery. unfortunately that doesn't work.
Added the PSU (so that the deluge isn't battery powered) and it worked right away (ps. had to cut of some plastic from the cables so that the PSU cable and the USB adapter both fitted next to eachother, now the PSU isnt always connecting properly... sigh). no MPE of course
Added the powered usb hub to try multiple blocks at the same time, works as well (ps2. too bad the deluge doesn't seem to take power from the powered usb hub but requires the PSU. otherwise this would be a mobile setup cos of a powerbank). also no MPE of course
Got the midiflow ios app in the ipad. connected the ipad to the motu m2 audio interface (through the camera connecter kit and the powered usb hub), midi cable out of the motu m2 and into the deluge. Connected a lightpad block through bluetooth to the ipad and did a quick easy setup in midiflow and works right away as well (meaning the lightpad block acts as midi 'keyboard' for the deluge). No PSU needed, well.... besides the powerbank for the powered usb hub.
However... when i tried to do the same but with 2 lightpad blocks: they both work when set to the same channel, but when i set them to a different channel, the deluge doesn't seem to recognize the signals from the 2nd lightpad block.
Do you happen to know what i'm doing wrong?
Also any help/insights on how to reign in the MPE powers would be appreciated :-)
Hey guys, got another newbie question here. So, I have my baby (Deluge) and right now just trying to keep it simple. I am trying to keep it standalone. Does anybody have any idea if the IK iRig 2 Keys is compatible? I ask b/c when I plugged it in it didn't show the famous "midi" on the screen. Is there a work around or is this just not gonna happen right now? Thanks in advance for any help!
@Rblwoacoz said:
Does anybody have any idea if the IK iRig 2 Keys is compatible? I ask b/c when I plugged it in it didn't show the famous "midi" on the screen. Is there a work around or is this just not gonna happen right now? Thanks in advance for any help!
I can't speak to its USB compatibility—the fact that it has a headphone out suggests to me that it might present itself as something Deluge doesn't know how to talk to—but you should definitely be able to use its MIDI out (with an adapter, which I think is included, and a standard MIDI cable) to control the Deluge.
First I will recomand a decksaver . So you can travel safely with your deluge . then the AC adaptator and the USB adaptator. Next a velocity midi keyboard with it’s own power on battery, and a good headset.
( cheap good is yamaha)
Next after buying a bunch of cable, go for an analog synth with 5 pin midi. Choose one with a sound you love, really.
love my matriarch. grand mother is a good cheap option too.
you don’t need a keyboard as you will use your midi through deluge.
To plug in and out your synths, deluge and all future stuff I recomand à behringer UMC1820 wich has enough in and outs for all your dreams and cost peanuts, is fully compatible with ipad and if you hate big daws, go for few pedals, and an ipad with AUM to add effect, bus capabilities, record and so much for few box.
Don’t forget a good pair of monitor ( kalys? ).
Compact external looper for transitions and/or to act as an extra independent track in a send/ return dual mono setup: the relatively new Boss RC-5 - fuckin finally they put midi sync in a small pedal format looper.
Micromonsta 2 is out and has 2 timbres of 6 voices each. Maybe Deluge can do most of its synth sounds but it has 3 lfos and 3 envelopes, more powerful modulation, wavetables, about 8 filter types and a really nice reverb, delay and Juno-style chorus. It's also really tiny, smaller than a paperback book and USB powered. I'm enjoying it more than the SkulptSE currently.
@rjh29 said:
Micromonsta 2 is out and has 2 timbres of 6 voices each. Maybe Deluge can do most of its synth sounds but it has 3 lfos and 3 envelopes, more powerful modulation, wavetables, about 8 filter types and a really nice reverb, delay and Juno-style chorus. It's also really tiny, smaller than a paperback book and USB powered. I'm enjoying it more than the SkulptSE currently.
just got mm2 a week ago and it is awesome. definitely more capable than the deluge synth. Ideal to use with deluge, got 2 more synths tracks (if in dual mode) to avoid running deluges processor to the limit. great to connect to dellys line in and have another set of effects and filters on top. the pan spreading options on voices really complements deluges lack of it.
You're welcome to not like my recommendations. lol And I also suggested an analog synth, and there is a few more smaller ones I would have suggested if I had thought of them when I was making the post. I've also found plenty of different ways to creatively incorporate pedals with the Deluge.
But frankly, and I probably should have made this clear from the beginning of my original post - but Im not approaching this idea as recommending a single partner device to pair with the Deluge and that's it. As much as the Deluge can do by itself, I don't see ANY piece of gear as all inclusive, and very few pieces of gear as "matched pairs" so to speak. So essentially my idea here was to suggest mobile / smallish gear choices that can come together and compliment each other, and the Deluge, as parts in a "system" - not just a single piece of gear to pair with the Deluge.
Hope that helps at least a little in explaining how I approached the question of companions to the Deluge. Blessings!
Looks like Gotharman's Tiny LD could be a decent companion:
I have the LD2. It’s a crazy amazing machine. LD3 is out now and it’s even better with option to put a real analog filter board in it. His mulltimode filter on the LD2 is great though.
The elektron machines, of course! Monomachine + machinedrum, Rytm, Digitone. Use the inputs creatively and you have a small killer setup for live uses!
Besides that, a well-built and prepared eurorack is crazy good with the D.
Very interested in the combination of the Lightpad and the Deluge. What settings did you make in the Dashboard app and what settings on the Deluge?
No one has mentioned Access Virus.
The Virus in 'multi mode' is perfect synth companion to complement the Deluge, and you can route the Deluge's audio through one of the Virus's multi mode parts, and use all the Virus effects on it as well.
The two make a very powerful combination.
My Deluge is on it's way, should be here in a couple of days.
At first I'll be using it alongside a Modal Skulpt and a PreenFM2. The Skulpt is known for producing really thick/fat, full sounds, something which seems to be mentioned quite often as a weakness of the Deluge, so hopefully they'll compliment each other nicely. The PreenFM2 just has much a deeper FM engine than Deluge so I'm confident it can contribute a lot.
For the future, I'm considering the Empress Zoia for its almost unlimited modular effects and synth capabilities. Also possibly a Volca Drum, because I'm not sure if it's possible to coax these kind of crazy warped drum sounds out of the Deluge synth engine (I'll be experimenting to see if I can first).
I also really like the Micromonsta, but I'm not sure how much it contribute that the Deluge can't... does anybody have any thoughts on this, please?
Any other comments or advice on my setup plans would be very welcome, as I'm fairly new to this.
The Deluge's synth engine is OK. It could use more filter types to make sounds coming out of it less recognisable, but you can create some decent patches with it. The biggest problem from my perspective is the lack of presets. You will have to spend a lot of time designing instruments if you don't use external gear.
So, you'll have a good starting point with the Skulpt and PreenFM2 .
The Volca Drum is ace and great to control from the Deluge. You can create a synth drum kit on the Deluge using multiple clips, but again, you will spend a lot of time doing it and it's not really convenient to use.
The Micromonsta is out of stock and I'm not sure it's coming back. It's a bit dated and due a makeover.
The Zoia is great to experiment, but it's underpowered, so you'll only really be able to use it for one thing at a time: FX or synth.
To replace both, you could look at something like the MOD Duo X. Its current synth collection isn't very vast, but thinks should improve in the coming months.
The Pisound is also interesting now that the Raspberry Pi 4 is out.
Thanks for the tips! Orac 2.0 looks like an interesting thing to run on the Pi/Pisound
Don't forget the pisound paired with pi3 can also run a decent emulation of the mod duo to. The guys at blokas have recently mentioned they might include this in their patchbox custom os/ modified linux operating system for the pi. This helps by pre configuring the pi settings to run audio in the best possible way .
Btw all software free and open source .
My Deluge has another awesome new companion already! I had an opportunity to pick up a Waldorf Blofeld Desktop (black) for a really nice price so I took it. It's in nearly perfect condition too.
Honestly with the envelopes the way they are, it's really hard to get good drum sounds from the Deluge synth engine. When tying oscillator pitch to an envelope, a decay setting of more than 0, 1, or 2 (out of 50) gets out of "click" and "thump" and straight to "laser beam" territory. Even the trick of setting a parameter to a gold knob for finer adjustment doesn't work for envelope settings. I spent a long time experimenting with it before I got a DFAM. I find the envelopes to be the weakest element of the Deluge's generally powerful and capable engine.
Hey @Edi - how do you connect your iPad to the Deluge? Via the USB or midi-in port on the Deluge?
I've got a bunch of midi-controller type apps that I'm keen to experiment with, but am using a USB connection (with a USB camera connection kit) and am not sure the Deluge is detecting any midi signal.
I have a ton of gear and I've found simply multisampling a lot of my most used synth patches into the deluge has been amazing. I made an Ableton set that automatically records a set length for each note in a range, then I have a couple batch programs that tag each wav file with their note, so the deluge knows exactly how to map them. I use my prophet 6, sub37, and a couple Roland boutiques a lot this way. I also really like doing this for stuff like FM8 and Serum. The deluge's multisampler is amazing.
I also made a headless Mac mini (doesn't use a monitor or keyboard/mouse) with some custom scripts, so it just starts, opens an Ableton set with a bunch of my favorite vsts on different midi channels. The deluge can change the presets using a golden knob cc, and I can play all the different vsts by asking the deluge to transmit on different midi channels.
To everyone bashing on electribes or other similar gear, I implore you to look at it a different way. Yes the deluge can do what most of these things can do. But sometimes in a song writing environment that can be very beneficial to have redundant but different work flows to mess with. I've used my octatrack and Ableton alongside by deluge and they work great.
Lastly, Electron stuff was mentioned so I'll chime in... I honestly don't love how Electron stuff sounds. I've owned an analog keys and still own an octatrack and they can kind of sound sterile... the possibilities are endless, but it doesn't really warrant it for me. Something like a prophet rev 2 or original works way better for me, especially because you can just sequence it with the deluge.
All in all, you can get a lot of gear that pairs well with the deluge. My own recommendation would be to use a computer and some vsts first to see if you like having that kind of flexibility at your fingertips. If you find yourself wanting to be more hands on, bring your deluge to a guitar center if something and try it with a prophet or other synth you like. Lastly, if you want more flexibility in sound mangling and even more looping possibilities, maybe an octatrack or digitakt would be fun. There really is no right answer. Sorry this got so long, haha.
I started building a home studio and currently own a Deluge,Yamaha Montage 8 and am waiting for my Korg Wavestate. Can anybody recommend or suggest the best way to connect the Deluge to this setup?I am not using any DAW, strictly hardware only. I like it to be hands on. Any help will be greatly welcomed.
sounds nice. what do you use to tag the wav files?
I have an ipad mini, camera connecter kit, powered usb hub, motu m2 audio interface, 3 lightpad blocks and 2 seaboard blocks and have been trying to connect them do my deluge.
However... when i tried to do the same but with 2 lightpad blocks: they both work when set to the same channel, but when i set them to a different channel, the deluge doesn't seem to recognize the signals from the 2nd lightpad block.
Do you happen to know what i'm doing wrong?
Also any help/insights on how to reign in the MPE powers would be appreciated :-)
Hey guys, got another newbie question here. So, I have my baby (Deluge) and right now just trying to keep it simple. I am trying to keep it standalone. Does anybody have any idea if the IK iRig 2 Keys is compatible? I ask b/c when I plugged it in it didn't show the famous "midi" on the screen. Is there a work around or is this just not gonna happen right now? Thanks in advance for any help!
I can't speak to its USB compatibility—the fact that it has a headphone out suggests to me that it might present itself as something Deluge doesn't know how to talk to—but you should definitely be able to use its MIDI out (with an adapter, which I think is included, and a standard MIDI cable) to control the Deluge.
First I will recomand a decksaver . So you can travel safely with your deluge . then the AC adaptator and the USB adaptator. Next a velocity midi keyboard with it’s own power on battery, and a good headset.
( cheap good is yamaha)
Next after buying a bunch of cable, go for an analog synth with 5 pin midi. Choose one with a sound you love, really.
love my matriarch. grand mother is a good cheap option too.
you don’t need a keyboard as you will use your midi through deluge.
To plug in and out your synths, deluge and all future stuff I recomand à behringer UMC1820 wich has enough in and outs for all your dreams and cost peanuts, is fully compatible with ipad and if you hate big daws, go for few pedals, and an ipad with AUM to add effect, bus capabilities, record and so much for few box.
Don’t forget a good pair of monitor ( kalys? ).
Compact external looper for transitions and/or to act as an extra independent track in a send/ return dual mono setup: the relatively new Boss RC-5 - fuckin finally they put midi sync in a small pedal format looper.
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
Micromonsta 2 is out and has 2 timbres of 6 voices each. Maybe Deluge can do most of its synth sounds but it has 3 lfos and 3 envelopes, more powerful modulation, wavetables, about 8 filter types and a really nice reverb, delay and Juno-style chorus. It's also really tiny, smaller than a paperback book and USB powered. I'm enjoying it more than the SkulptSE currently.
just got mm2 a week ago and it is awesome. definitely more capable than the deluge synth. Ideal to use with deluge, got 2 more synths tracks (if in dual mode) to avoid running deluges processor to the limit. great to connect to dellys line in and have another set of effects and filters on top. the pan spreading options on voices really complements deluges lack of it.
Any retro drum machine.