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Count In recording
Bucharest, RomaniaBeta Tester Posts: 15
I'm actually surprised we don't have this already.
I know I can wait for a loop to finish, but imagine if I have an 8 bar loop
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I don't know exactly what you mean with your three words: Is it to loud or is it untight or is it a midi problem that you are tryin to describe?
Just three words show how much you respect the work of two guys in NZ: Deluge is not growin by children cryin for more and more and more (and others leavin just +1) but by people who develop their visions in detail, respecting the work actually done, give examples how it can be realized in a given concept.
I wasn't disrespecting anyone. It's a standard DAW feature and that's how it's called. I thought it was pretty self-explanatory.
Basically it counts 4 steps before it starts recording so you can prepare for the take.
I have a Kit with only Klicks onbeat that I mute when I don´t need it - but of course you are right that this is far away from a "Count In REC" that other machines have got,
You can do it either your way either listening to the pattern. My "issue" is that I want to count in 4 beats before I record a lead solo or some chords. Because if I have a 8 bar pattern and hit play + rec, I don't want to wait 8 bars.
One workaround I found is to play from the last bar. I zoom Until 1/16, scroll to the last bar and hold <> + PLAY
I fully agree with Alex. This has been standard across a majority of both digital and hardware interfaces that I've used in the past twenty years. I have already found myself running into this on basically a daily basis.
They might add this feature in the next update, as a 'Record to Arranger' is being added, so would make sense to also add a count-in.
Yeah, record to arranger takes the Deluge into Ableton Live territory. It was already one foot in
This would be incredibly useful when sampling acoustic instruments as well.
Yeah. I also posted a feature request for threshold recording. That's even better for sampling
Yep, did this with the MPC/404, great feature. Both would be perfect but would be happy with either!!
workaround: press l/r and press PLAY. playback starts from the current screen. so you can start at the 7th bar and dont have to wait.
never used count in for recording, probably because i am a bad keyboard player, i rarely get it right in one take anyway
true it is a fairly common feature and i can understand many people are used to it to get a recording right.
That's what I do now.
I always make a track like 4x as long as I need it and just start playing when it sounds right and shift it all back to the start afterwards.
AbortRetryFail, that’s a great workaround!