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Negative Kit tracks... Samples below the Kick

MatthewGeorgeMatthewGeorge Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 247

So I like the standard way that the factory kits are laid out, Kit 1 Snare 2 HH 3 OHH 4 etc but it would be cool if the Kick was 0 and you could have negative samples like a sub kick/whatever. I tried doing this on my first session but when I put things below the kick and opened the Kit I saved later the stuff I thought would be hidden underneath became the first position.



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    workergrayworkergray Gulfport, FloridaBeta Tester Posts: 222

    To move a sample up/down the kit, hold the audition button while pushing and turning the up/down scroll wheel. to SAVE the kit you have to first press the "edit" whel located next to the 4 digit LED readout. Then hit the "save" button, select the number where it's to be save (with the edit wheel) and hit save again. Make sure you're loading the correct kit-- unless I'm mistaken, these kits can be in any order you choose.

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    MatthewGeorgeMatthewGeorge Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 247

    Seems like I wasn't clear enough.
    When you save a kit the first sample is at the bottom ie a kick.
    I want to be able to have stuff under that first sample and saved as such.
    So if I want to add a sub kick on kit 0 it will move all of the samples up a row the next time I open it so I can't have patterns line up properly with kit 1 etc because the snare is where the hihiats are on kit 1.

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