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A compressor that can be used on both individual channels as well as on the master bus would be very handy for mixing and working with samples.
+1 for a compressor on the Master bus. One less piece of gear to take to a gig in order to make the Deluge sound a little more "finalized".
I rather get a better reverb algorithm since there is NOT an option to run an external reverb on a few tracks ONLY. However, a master compression in most cases apply to whole mix so it could be done "out of the box" on outboard gear or ipad/ableton ...
I have considered running the output into a compressor but where I would like to use a compressor even more so than on the master bus is on the drums, i.e. a drum bus compressor that effects all of the components of a drum track as one.
+1 for the idea of the compressor that can be used on both individual channels as well as on the master bus. Note that this functionality was present (and appreciated) on Roland MC-909 groovebox.
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
A compressor with the same functionality as the rest of the current effects would be great. This way you could even apply different compression settings per note/pad or automate any changes.
Also parallel New York compressor would be great!
speaking of compressor... im looking through an xml file. whats this?
The compressor section in the XML corresponds to the sidechain settings iirc
I'd love to have a multiband compressor on the final mix channel, that way I can carefully shape the mix of a song and resample single channels if I really feel the mix needs it...
yeah, still really want this. compressor is the most basic effect in hardware sampler history:
akai mpc60 sported compression, though made everything slow and sounded the same as with no effect
+1, would love to see a compressor on the Deluge.
if sound is good enough
i think if you want a good comporessor in the deluge you need a bigger deluge....
I would replace saturation or bit crusher with a compressor if it was up to me. It's the most essential Fx for me.
I doubt that any of those could be replaced, because that would ruin compatibility... but for me yes... I don't use bit crusher at all and saturation is too sensitive for me as well - must be use with care
I indeed want a compressor. It is really needed, and one of the most useful FX. But, please, don't remove any of the other FXs
yeah sure, no replacements. a sampler needs tons of fx! the more the merrier
nah, i dont think so. deluge compressor fx has to be very cpu efficient, i prefer a minimal compressor per track and globally over a single big master compressor. maybe i am just not a compressor guy, i happened to use the ones with few controls, doing a basic job. old mda compressor vst plugin was my fav for a long time.
but what i know what rohan thinks about a compressor fx for deluge 😀
Two external outs is a major limitation on the Deluge from a production standpoint. Deluge is quite useful as a sound module but you only get 2 tracks before having to "bounce down" ITB (box being Deluge in this case). Internal compressor would help abate by making that bounce down better.
yess please a simple compressor that can be used both per track and on the master
I'm sure there will be a compressor and some other effects.They are only algorithms and I'm sure Rohan will implement them when he takes a break from building Deluges for the masses
This is the second most voted feature request. Lets hope it will be present with the upcoming new 2,1 firmware!
Would be awesome, but I just can't see it happening as there's been no mention at all about a compressor, plus there's no pad shortcut for one.
I reckon this update seems all about samples. (which is nothing bad at all) We just have to be patient, and maybe in another update we will get the compresor.