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Copy + Paste Blocks of tracks in the arranger (Pop-song-style)
SwedenPosts: 30
I would like to make 3 songs in song mode (one for verse, one for bridge, and one for chorus - all with bass , drums leads etc included in them) and and then be able to insert them with one push of a button into the arranger
Post edited by VoddoBass on
Out of interest, how would this work?
I assume this would be sort of like adding entire section colour groups to the arranger instead of individual tracks?
yes, probably. In a DAW (Cubase, Logic etc) you can copy a hole section with many tracks and place them in some other part of the timeline - This would be very useful
We discussed this on Facebook is it more like ableton lives Linear sequencer?
I don't have any experience with Ableton (I use ProTools myself), but I think you're right
By blocks of tracks, you'd want to manipulate the whole set of related tracks for a part ( chorus, bridge, ... ) all at once? so if you had the usual Drum,Bass,Rhythm,Melody on 4 separate tracks, you want to manipulate them in the arranger view as a block of linked tracks? so they extend and loop together?
yeah something like this would be useful to have.
guess the use case u mean is copying parts in the arranger and inserting them somewhere else. lets say copy arrangement from bar 3 to bar 5 and insert it at bar 24 to e.g. copy and paste a bridge.
no idea how exactly this should work though.
dont know what u mean by making 3 songs in song mode. u mean sections? using multiple songs in arranger mode does not make sense for me as every song has its own arranger.
suppose for a consistent UI one question had to be if and how the current copy&paste command (learn + L/R, +shift to paste) in track mode translates to arranger mode.
Yes exactly
Yes this is what I would like
My guess is copy/ paste is planned for arrangement already. I would also guess that time regional copies would be the natural implementation, since you can already pretty much add any instance, as if it were copied per track now, by turning the select knob when adding instances.
I do hope you're right