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Deluge firmware to support multisamples


I am looking literary for years to find a small sampler and sequencer that supports multi samples.
Because when playing polyphonic 1 sample does not sound to great. If you load lets say 4 samples spread over the keyboard it gets a lot better.

The requirements would be.

  • be able to load multiple samples in 1 sampler instance
  • set the highest note and root note
  • The sampler instance to be able to read and set the loops from the .wav / .aiff files meta data ( for sounds to have endless sustain and single cycle wave forms )

Nice to have would be

  • be able to load .sfz files where the mapping is defined (like this the deluge does not need to support setting the keymap and root note etc )

Very nice to have would be roundrobin

  • be able to load 3 snares and the sample cycles through it.


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    flyweightflyweight PraguePosts: 9
    edited January 2018

    Btw I do not own a Deluge but if this will be on the roadmap I am in ;)

    Post edited by flyweight on
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    IcoustikIcoustik NorwayModerator, Beta Tester, Mentor Posts: 1,017

    There's already a way to do multi-sampling, though not optimized yet, and that is to create a KIT with the samples of the different notes in it and play it with an external keyboard by mapping each note sample to a corresponding key on the keyboard.
    I recently created 3 multisample instruments on the Deluge by sampling all of the notes from a piano, Rhodes and Wurlitzer, putting quiter notes in OSC1 and louder notes in OSC2, then patching velocity to them so that the quiet sample plays at lower velocities and the louder at higher, combined with velocity affecting the filter to create softer tone when playing quiet and opening it up when not. Etc. etc.

    It will surely be refined in future updates, but this works for me for now :)

    ~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ

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    flyweightflyweight PraguePosts: 9

    That sound similar as it works on some Elektron devices but for me this does not cut it as the motivation to buy a Deluge would be mainly to make sketches for Songs on the Deluge only, I could not really plug a keyboard as it would not be to portable.

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    IcoustikIcoustik NorwayModerator, Beta Tester, Mentor Posts: 1,017

    It will probably be possible in the near future to be able to play right on the Deluge's 128-pad keyboard directly, but they aren't velocity sensitive, so it still wouldn't be the same result.
    There are some pretty portable midi controllers tho :)

    ~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ

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    flyweightflyweight PraguePosts: 9

    Ah ok thats great. Anyhow multisamples are equally useful when you only program your notes

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    flyweightflyweight PraguePosts: 9


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    BobbiPeruBobbiPeru Oakland, CAPosts: 22


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    TrippyTrippy Milky WayPosts: 7


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    sovietpopsovietpop CanadaPosts: 2

    I dont have a Deluge yet but if this get added im in !

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    krunchrkrunchr Mainz, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 70

    +1 for multi-sample support

    Importing of sfz/sf2 sounds as "oscillator sources" would be enough for me ... I don't need a full-featured key map editing.

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    fryyyyfryyyy germanyPosts: 161
    edited June 2018

    Im working on a multisample editor meanwhile. You can import KONTAKT libraries and other samples to auto-generate the KIT with a few clicks.

    More info here

    Post edited by fryyyy on
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    flyweightflyweight PraguePosts: 9

    Ah great stuff.

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    ACHoJACHoJ CanadaPosts: 3


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    mrrafsmrrafs ukPosts: 64

    +1 for multi-sample(velocity) drum kit.

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