@Icoustik said:
In track view all the audition pads also function as shift buttons
Icoustic I was just reading a thread about downrush and hoping to get the latest but the thread is closed, was trying to pm you but here you are.
I know its off topic but is there an update? should we wait for his custom sd cards or might it still be a while? mostly just wondering if theres any more recent videos/updates...? thanks!
OHHHH, that handy lil shift button
In track view all the audition pads also function as shift buttons
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
thanks @icoustik i did not know that
Icoustic I was just reading a thread about downrush and hoping to get the latest but the thread is closed, was trying to pm you but here you are.
I know its off topic but is there an update? should we wait for his custom sd cards or might it still be a while? mostly just wondering if theres any more recent videos/updates...? thanks!