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Golden Knob acting funny
ItalyPosts: 2
Hello everyone, I wanted to ask if anybody else got the upper golden knob acting funny.
If I turn it slow, it behaves normally, but if I turn it quicker, it skips values and also it goes backwards. Is it oxydation? Is it failing and needs replacement? Thanks for everybody who gives some kind of input.
I had that happen to one of my gold knobs as well. I tried cleaning it, but in the end I had to replace it. Not too difficult if you're handy with a soldering iron (or Synthstrom can likely do it for you)
Same here, cleaning helped for a bit but soon got worse, found a friend confident with soldering and got it replaced. My was the lower one though. If you going for it, here's a disassembly video that can help.
π ½π Ύπ π Έπ ²π ΄ π ³π ΄π »ππ Άπ Έπ Ύπ ½π Έππ?
Great, thanks guys, I'll try getting my hands on a replacement then.
i think i might have this,mine generally works but i couldn't work out if its just laggy somtimes
or actually broke