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Nightly F/ Individual ping pong synth note trick gone

Antho56Antho56 France Posts: 11

Hi. I just installed the nightly firmware and the changes are impressive. Great job, it’s fantastic. There was a trick to force deluge to authorize individual ping pong synth notes (by successively changing from synth to kit and back again to synth view) this is unfortunately no longer possible. The display shows can't . It would be great if this little tip came back. Is it still possible (maybe i did it wrong) ? Or can we do it differently maybe ?

Best Answer

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    Bay_MudBay_Mud OntarioPosts: 128
    Answer ✓

    If I recall, there were bugs/crashes being reported when switching from kit to synth/midi (you can still switch between synth and midi tracks, but not kit to synth/midi), so that functionality was removed for now


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    Bay_MudBay_Mud OntarioBeta Tester Posts: 128

    Talking with the devs it sounds like the best solution is to add per-row direction changes for synths, so that kit trick isn't needed. You could add a feature request for that if you wanted

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    Antho56Antho56 France Posts: 11

    You're right. Thank you for your answer. I will add this feature request .

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