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Iteration question

DanielKitsonDanielKitson United KingdomPosts: 4

Is it possible to have a beat on the first three of every four rather than the third of every four? So to have the beat drop out for the fourth bar. I


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    rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 612

    currently 'opposite' iteration like you're describing isn't supported. obviously you can duplicate the first bar 4 times and manually remove the notes you want from the fourth bar, but i'm sure you want something iterative based.

    a desire has been expressed to have 'opposite' iteration like you describe on community firmware, including fill triggers that will work the 'opposite'. till then, you'll have to find workarounds.

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    DanielKitsonDanielKitson United KingdomPosts: 4

    okey doke - just good to know i wasnt missing anything - cheers.

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