Bass Station 2 multisamples and patches collection
I multisampled my Bass Station thoroughly before selling it off. Sharing with the community for free (again)
Around 7GB, long samples and several notes, to capture as much of the original analog-ness as possible.
104 patches - plenty of different sounds, not just bass, and obviously unlike the monophonic BS2 these can be played polyphonically ๐
How to:
Put the BassStation2 folder with the sample files in a folder specifically called Multisamples inside your main SAMPLES folder on your SD card.
The names must be exactly the same, so the filepath for the samples ends up being: SAMPLES\ Multisamples\ BassStation2
Put the patch xml files inside your SYNTHS folder, in any subfolder you'd like for your own organizing;
its fine to change the names of both patches and patch folders.
~ Distinguished Delugate แ( โ_โ)แ
..thanks Santa
Thanx xxxxxxxx ๐ฅณ
~ Distinguished Delugate แ( โ_โ)แ
Excellent! Thanks. Might let me sell my BS2 as well
AWESOME. This fills a bass-sized hole in the otherwise excellent Boards of Deluge packs.
Awesome thanks! I actually have a BS2 but its nice to have the samples anyway.
In case it helps anyone using a Mac, I wanted to put the samples in a different folder ("SYNTHS" instead of "Multisamples"); the following shell command will do the replacement on everything in a folder (so be careful, make sure you are in the correct directory patches first):
LC_ALL=C find ./ -type f -exec sed -i '' -e 's/Multisamples/SYNTHS/g' {} \;
Wow these are great! I don't usually take such long samples, its nice to not have to worry about looping points. I couldn't fit these all on my main card, so I converted them to 16-bit, which saves about 1/3 of the space, if anyone wants the 16-bit versions of the samples I put them here:
Thanks, happy to hear!
Right, I feel the loop points point plus preserving more analog movement makes it worth it, especially considering we can use such large-capacity SD's.
Yeah I have a 512 GB card to fit all my stuff on
~ Distinguished Delugate แ( โ_โ)แ
These sound really great, and I have a question. I'm just going through some of the folders, and it sounds like they are all in a specific scale rather than having all the notes. I'm not sure though if that's just a structure thing and some of the same preset are in different folders? I'd love to understand this. Thanks.
I just didn't multisample EVERY note, so the sampling was set to every third semitone or something like that To save space and such, and time when sampling as well, with such long samples
~ Distinguished Delugate แ( โ_โ)แ
@Delusions multisamples don't necessarily need every note sampled to be effective. i imagine the multisample presets will reuse a sample a couple of times retransposed before the next unique sampled note. the trade off here is smaller overal filesizes and better performance from the deluge.
Thanks for filling in my lazy explanation, Reza
~ Distinguished Delugate แ( โ_โ)แ