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Amadeus 1.0

BezalelBezalel United StatesPosts: 54

Hello ..
Am I understanding correctly that once I install Release 1.0- codename Amadeus.
Any and everything that I've created prior will not load?!?


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    rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 628
    edited December 2023

    that is incorrect. you WILL be able to load any songs made with Official Firmware when using Community Firmware.

    however, a song SAVED with the Community Firmware (1.0) will not be able to be loaded on a deluge with Official Firmware (for example: if you revert BACK to Official Firmware and try loading a Community Firmware-made song.). [this can sometimes be circumvented by editing one line on the project's .XML file but won't work for all cases if need be]

    Post edited by reza on
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    chrisrolandchrisroland United StatesPosts: 42


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    BezalelBezalel United StatesPosts: 54

    Thank you kindly.
    So basically new firmware= new and old song.
    But if I were to revert back to official firmware my Amadeus songs may not load.

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    BezalelBezalel United StatesPosts: 54

    So how do I go about getting Amadeus on my SD card and installing

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    chrisrolandchrisroland United StatesPosts: 42

    it was further explained on the FB group that new open source-saved files will work with the official firmware but without any of the new open source features that might have been added after switching (that's at least better than all or nothing between the two versions)

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    BezalelBezalel United StatesPosts: 54

    It certainly is sir!

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    BezalelBezalel United StatesPosts: 54

    I can't find how to install

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    rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 628

    @Bezalel said:
    I can't find how to install

    1) go here: and hit the 'Download' button right below 'Release Notes'.
    2) you will have downloaded a .zip file containing the .bin file.
    3) plug your SD card into your computer, or something that can read it
    4) open the folder of your SD card.
    5) delete the current .bin file that exists in there.
    6) copy or drag the deluge-c1_0_0.bin file into the SD card main folder
    7) double check the filesize of the .bin file, it should be around ~1-2MB big. eject the SD card.
    8) insert SD card back into deluge, powered OFF
    9) hold SHIFT on deluge while pressing the ON switch..update is beginning.
    10) don't turn off during install, wait until completed, it should be installed.

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    BezalelBezalel United StatesPosts: 54

    Thank you sir for the great details.

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