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Loading a preset song on startup

cizlcizl CroatiaPosts: 4

Hi everyone!

Does anyone have an idea how to set a specific song to be loaded after powering on the Deluge?
I've created a preset song with all of my MIDI mappings. It's kind of a blank slate for my setup, every project I do starts from that "song".

Is there a way to boot into that specific song? Is there a default song that gets loaded which I can replace with my own?
I'm working on improving my workflow so that I can start jamming as soon as possible.


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    chrisrolandchrisroland United StatesPosts: 42

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    cizlcizl CroatiaPosts: 4

    @chrisroland said:

    That's a cool video but it unfortunately does not answer my question at all.

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    chrisrolandchrisroland United StatesPosts: 42

    there are no default songs that get loaded on startup. what you described sounded like a template, which if you save in a Template subfolder will always be available to recall if/when you want to start a new project/song

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    cizlcizl CroatiaPosts: 4

    @chrisroland said:
    there are no default songs that get loaded on startup. what you described sounded like a template, which if you save in a Template subfolder will always be available to recall if/when you want to start a new project/song

    I already do that. I use a specific song as a template which I load every time I boot my Deluge.

    My question is whether you can load a "template" (as you call them) during startup.
    So not having to go load -> select song. In other words having the default state of the Deluge use a "template".

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    djAziddjAzid AmsterdamPosts: 204

    My question is whether you can load a "template" (as you call them) during startup.

    No. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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