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Manual Slicing Mode

rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 628
edited August 2023 in Open Source

Merged with Community Firmware!

This feature's implementation started with @Alter
GitHub Documentation

Manual Slicing Mode
Allows users to listen to a sample and create slices in real-time during playback. Each slice’s start point and transpose can be adjusted while in this mode.

How to: When in Slice mode, press < > Encoder, top half of grid is waveform, bottom half is slices to populate. Hit the bottom left green pad to start playback, press any unused pad on bottom half of grid to create new slices. Press a populated pad to play from that slice, turn <> encoder to adjust start time or up/down encoder to adjust transpose.

Discuss this feature, provide video/audio examples, etc.

Post edited by reza on


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    PhilPhil MontréalBeta Tester Posts: 105

    Wow! What can we do with those slices? Can we sequence them on the grid like kit tracks?
    How does this work?

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    seangoodvibesseangoodvibes Beta Tester Posts: 50
    edited August 2023

    @Phil said:
    Wow! What can we do with those slices? Can we sequence them on the grid like kit tracks?
    How does this work?

    If I’m not mistaken it loads the slices up as kit row sounds in the sidebar that you can then sequence :)

    Post edited by seangoodvibes on
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    PhilPhil MontréalBeta Tester Posts: 105

    Cool! Can’t wait to try!
    I wonder how feasible this could be done with live audio instead of prerecorded samples.

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    mrrafsmrrafs ukPosts: 64


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