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Simple Library Tool?
United StatesPosts: 3
Hey everyone. I'm looking to see if anyone has built a tool that would "collect and save" projects on the SD card. It could be as simple as a command line utility, or a UI that allows user to pick projects. My understanding is that the general approach would be to scan the xml project file, find all references, create the folder, copy the files and then update the references in the XML file? Does this sound right? Has this been done? Does anyone else feel like this would be a good thing? My SD card is a mess. My apologies if this is in the wrong forum. Cheers. Harry.
it has been done, press save then again long press save , you have 2 option , create folder or collect media. It will save all samples used in song in a new folder under same file name
@milkformycoconut - Thanks ! Yes, I understand. I have 300+ projects on my SD card. I'm sure there are others in the same boat. Going through the projects one at a time is doable, but not optimal. I was also thinking I'd like to know which samples on my SD card are not in use by any project so that I could clear out all of the audio loops and resamples that never made it in a song. I'm a developer, so I'm comfortable writing the utility, but if someone else already has, I'm not into reinventing any wheels.
That's cool, well if no one answers, i think you should do it.
take a look at Deluge Commander, it's an app where you can move samples and keep file paths in tack. it also lets you know which samples are bound to a project and which have never been used.
@reza Thank You! Looks perfect.