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Frippertronics (or decayed looping) on the Deluge?

hurphendalehurphendale PragueBeta Tester Posts: 42

Hi all, I was wondering if anyone else has tried to set up the Deluge looper functionality with some sort of continuous decaying looping setup?

I'd like to set up a ~5-7 second loop, which is continuous. That's easy enough to set up on the Deluge. The problem is I want the older loops to gradually fade out as more are created, giving an ever-evolving sound. So far I haven't found a way to do this, any tips would be appreciated!

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    Affectionate_Bee_781Affectionate_Bee_781 United StatesBeta Tester Posts: 112

    I don't know, but I'm also interested. Curious to see what others come up and will brainstorm myself :)

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    rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 628
    edited January 2023

    if you set delay to analog instead of the default digital (shift+analog shortcut found in the delay section of shortcuts) then overtime the delay filters out and degrades in some sort of fashion. when the delay is over 50% of AMOUNT, instead of it increasingly getting louder and clipping the deluge, it kind of has a limiter effect with artifacts instead. try experimenting with that.

    Post edited by reza on
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    hurphendalehurphendale PragueBeta Tester Posts: 42

    @reza said:
    if you set delay to analog instead of the default digital (shift+analog shortcut found in the delay section of shortcuts) then overtime the delay filters our and degrades in some sort of fashion. when the delay is over 50% of AMOUNT, instead of it increasingly getting louder and clipping the deluge, it kind of has a limiter effect with artifacts instead. try experimenting with that.

    Unfortunately, I don't think the delay has long enough intervals, I need something in the 5-7 second range.

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    Affectionate_Bee_781Affectionate_Bee_781 United StatesBeta Tester Posts: 112
    edited January 2023

    Try turning off sync (and also ping-pong). Max time seems to be way over 5 seconds for me. Alternatively, I tried setting the sync to 1 bar and the delay time to 25 .. then the loop is exactly 1 bar for whatever bpm you're at

    Pretty fun :) I'm gonna explore this tonight

    Post edited by Affectionate_Bee_781 on
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    hurphendalehurphendale PragueBeta Tester Posts: 42

    @Affectionate_Bee_781 said:
    Try turning off sync (and also ping-pong). Max time seems to be way over 5 seconds for me. Alternatively, I tried setting the sync to 1 bar and the delay time to 25 .. then the loop is exactly 1 bar for whatever bpm you're at

    Pretty fun :) I'm gonna explore this tonight

    Interesting, maybe I didn't give it a fair shake. Will explore this tonight as well!

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    rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 628

    @Affectionate_Bee_781 has the right idea but it would mean setting up a delay to every kit row and synth clip. if you were planning to have this delay as a master FX on everything at once you actually can't adjust sync settings and are limited to just switching analog/digital, rate, and amount via pressing into the gold knobs. a workaround you can mess with in this case is that if you lower the tempo of the project, the slower the slowest delay you can achieve will be. following this, you could consider sequencing a song at a higher resolution than normal (and if needed you can adjust resolution of grid in deluge settings), with a much slower tempo, and get close to what you are looking for.

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    Affectionate_Bee_781Affectionate_Bee_781 United StatesBeta Tester Posts: 112

    @reza yep - although if you change the time for delay of the whole song, you can actually get pretty long delays without changing tempo. But if you want to sync it, then yes you need to use a slow BPM

    Here's 28 BPM, sync'd to 1 bar - so about 8.5 seconds - affecting an electric piano. Halfway through, I double BPM to 56, 4.2 sec of delay. Excuse the loud drums :)

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    Bay_MudBay_Mud OntarioBeta Tester Posts: 135

    @Affectionate_Bee_781 said:
    @reza yep - although if you change the time for delay of the whole song, you can actually get pretty long delays without changing tempo. But if you want to sync it, then yes you need to use a slow BPM

    Here's 28 BPM, sync'd to 1 bar - so about 8.5 seconds - affecting an electric piano. Halfway through, I double BPM to 56, 4.2 sec of delay. Excuse the loud drums :)

    Nice job! Took me a while to pick up the repetitions, as they were so long. Ha

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    Affectionate_Bee_781Affectionate_Bee_781 United StatesBeta Tester Posts: 112

    @Bay_Mud thanks! Yeah, it ended up sounding kinda like a traditional looping setup

    Here's another go I had at it. Delay affects the whole track, including lots of samples, an internal synth sound, and live piano input. Got pretty lost in it, as the length is evidence of :sweat_smile:

    I quite enjoy listening to it though - this is a really fun technique/mediation - thanks for bringing it to my attention @hurphendale :smile:

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    BugahBugah Posts: 29
    edited February 2023

    hey there,
    I haven't got a way to upload mp3s to here it seems, but I've done this before with deluge delay. When sync'd to tempo and you turn the BPM down, the digital delay will start to alias the sound, and the analog delay will start to saturate sort of. If the delay amount is at a value of 25, it will be 100% feedback so the echoes will keep playing back infinitely. So for frippertronics, you can set it to 24 and it'll very slowly decay away. Try using a synth preset, set the OSC1 type to input, sync the delay to the BPM and then turn the BPM way down to like 30 or less, then put a note at C3 for the length of the clip so it drones when you press play.

    I think I've gotten more than a minute of aliased delay when I really pushed it. You could set up multiple synth presets with different delay buffer lengths too for like 3-4 layers of frippertronics.

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    Just want to add, its not a Deluge tip per se, but I've been having a lot of fun with an Empress Zoia + Deluge, the Zoia is extremely good at this sort of thing, and you can do a wild variety of effects in feedback loops that would be pretty much impossible with just a Deluge.

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