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Having some strange Sample Length issues...

willowwillow canadaPosts: 7

After uploading my own sounds into my Deluge successfully for 4 years, I'm having a new issue.

I just uploaded some new samples, which are all over 1 minute long.
When I go to play them back, I hear the first few seconds of the sample, but then it loops again - back to the beginning.
I've tried all the different settings (cut, loop, once) - same issue.

Anyone have a solution?


Will (of YT: Will's Witchcraft)


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    rezareza los angelesModerator, Beta Tester Posts: 614

    open the waveform view for that sample, sounds like there are loop points made automatically/unintentionally with those samples. if you see a cyan or purple column in the waveform then loop point(s) have been added. press and hold the green column then press the cyan column to get rid of it, same concept with the red column to delete the purple column. sometimes you may have to zoom in to reveal the loop point

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    willowwillow canadaPosts: 7

    @reza said:
    open the waveform view for that sample, sounds like there are loop points made automatically/unintentionally with those samples. if you see a cyan or purple column in the waveform then loop point(s) have been added. press and hold the green column then press the cyan column to get rid of it, same concept with the red column to delete the purple column. sometimes you may have to zoom in to reveal the loop point

    Thanks for your response....going to look at that now (I create my long samples in Twisted Wave, and have already confirmed that there are no Markers or Loop points, but I'll keep checking and doing the things you've mentioned)

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    willowwillow canadaPosts: 7

    @reza said:
    open the waveform view for that sample, sounds like there are loop points made automatically/unintentionally with those samples. if you see a cyan or purple column in the waveform then loop point(s) have been added. press and hold the green column then press the cyan column to get rid of it, same concept with the red column to delete the purple column. sometimes you may have to zoom in to reveal the loop point

    That was it......thanks v much...............

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