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New Deluge : Folder not found error

in Deluge Help
Hi everyone, and thanks for having me here!
I recently purchased a new Deluge (OLED) and received it today. When I turn it on I have a brief message “Folder not found”. I also have the same error when I try to switch from Synth to Kit.
Isn’t the Deluge supposed to ship with some kits (with some included samples)?
Should I try to manually recreate the folder structure I see in the user manual on the SD card?
Any idea what to do to fix this?
Firmware version is 4.1.2 which seems to be the latest.
Thanks a lot!
Are you using the included SD card? Did you move any folders/files on it?
The SD card on the root level must have KITS, SAMPLES, SONGS, and SYNTHS folders to function properly.
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, it’s the included one (Verbatim 32gb). I opened the package, took the device out of its bag, turned the switch on, and got this message. No files were created, deleted or moved – actually I cannot find my sd reader so I didn’t even check what’s on the card (was somehow hoping to be able to do that via the Deluge itself).
I’ll go and buy one now, and let you know what’s on the card.
(Page 22 of the doc)
Mine only says “Synth” with a slightly distorted 0 under.
If the card happens to be empty, it might be a mistake from Synthstrom. happens.
I certainly could create empty folders following the structure described in the manual but wouldn’t these be empty by default? The doc lists 170 synths presets and 42 kits presets. I assume after reading the doc that the synths presets could be just XML files describing what the software should do, but the kits probably also contain WAV files (or whatever the Deluge works with). This is pure speculation of course.
Are there actual dumps of factory SD cards somewhere on the web?
Thanks a lot!
You can download the factory contents for the SD card near the bottom of this page on the Synthstrom site:
Odd it wouldn’t be on there already. Let us know what you find.
Thanks a lot. I feel stupid for missing that link on the home page haha.
The SD card was not empty, but the content looked like Macintosh indexing garbage ( .fseventsd, .Spotlight-V100, etc.). I got rid of these and copied the "Deluge (OLED) factory SD card contents for firmware V4.x" content with the three folders (XML and WAV files as suspected) and things are now working fine.
Thanks again!
Interesting. Glad you got it working!