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Probabiliy latching + legato drone notes in OLED 4.1.2

hermansmasherhermansmasher AustriaPosts: 26
edited October 2022 in Deluge Help

Hey fellow delugionals :)

I tried working on generative patch and thus used the probability function a lot and one thing I found odd came up:

On a mono synth clip: when I entered more than 1 note as a drone (all start at column 1 and end at 16) and applied to each note probabilities that sum up to a 100% in that column (as described in the manual), it kept rising the note with each loop (following the probability) but always got stuck on the highest note entered, although the lowest note got a higher probability.
Is this due to the internally set note priority of the deluge in combination with the drone note never ending, thus never triggering a new probabilistic event? or is it a bug? I also ask this, cause the entered notes have a highlighted first note, and I thought this would indicate that it would reroll the odds of the notes. Would be nice have a drone legato note :)))


EDIT: changed title and tags for reference because it is also about portamento / legato of those mentioned drone notes

Post edited by hermansmasher on


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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    Placing a note on the leftmost pad and extending it to the end of the clip will always make a drone that doesn’t get re-triggered.
    But if you place the notes just past the beginning of the clip, even a 128th, and hold the horizontal knob and press the leftmost pad, it will give the effect you’re after.

    Tagging @rohan because I don’t think it’s supposed to jump to the highest note that way. I’m able to replicate with a four note chord drone, monophonic, each note at 25 probability, that the first note played is random then after 2-5 repetitions of the clip it jumps to the highest note and stays there. Happens on both OLED 4.1.2 and 4.0.1 old screen

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    hermansmasherhermansmasher AustriaPosts: 26

    Hey :)
    thanks a ton for your swift and helpful answer!
    So now I get the probabilities I dialed in. But still I have the Envelope retriggering and no portamento = no legato on those notes. Do you know any way to get there? I want to create a glide between those notes. The only way I know right now is, if I change the polyphony to "legato" and then layering the notes on different timings on the grid, the last note being the one glided into. But if I want them to be probabilistically chosen, I need to put them on the same column, which eventually results in no legato. Any tips on that?

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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    Legato only happens when a new note is triggered while another note is still being held. If notes are all in one column with probabilities, that means when a new note is picked the previous note is replaced at the same time without overlap. You need some overlap for legato to function.
    In monophonic, portamento does work because it does not depend on legato notes to work.

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    hermansmasherhermansmasher AustriaPosts: 26

    Oh I see.. I mean, I also tried it with monophonic instead and it does indeed glide, I just wanted the envelope not to retrigger -> that's why I wanted to use the drone note and legato. I disconnected the envelope from any modulation target, and indeed and it worked. I just wanted to be able to use the envelope in the first time the clip is launched, but looks like that's not possible then.
    Thanks for your help.

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