
Hey guys! New user here, just got my Deluge yesterday and so far its been just as amazing as I'd hoped with one exception:
While I was using it yesterday I experienced one crash while working with a very small project - I had only added 2 tracks at the time of the crash and both were synth presets. I unfortunately can't remember all of the details of the crash other than the project was actively playing and when it crashed everything just froze up and I heard a high pitch tone that persisted until I turned the unit off. Thankfully it started up again with no issues and I haven't had another crash since, I just wanted to do my due diligence and see if there's anything I can do to avoid this again in the future.
A couple more potentially relevant details:
Before this crash/freeze happened I had spent a good deal of time adding a sizable amount of samples, multisampled instruments, and synth presets to my 128gb SD (120MB/s) and most of them work fine, however I have noticed that some synth presets take a few extra seconds to load which can make the scrolling/auditioning process feel a bit sluggish. Naturally I'm suspicious that this could have had something to do with the crash/freeze I experienced. The presets in question are from this TAL multisample/synth pack posted by Icoustik (which is wonderful in all other respects, by the way).
Does anyone have any experience with crashes/freezes like this? Did I go a little too crazy with adding too many samples/presets? I currently have about 68gb of the SD filled and still have 60gb of free space remaining, which I figured would be fine but maybe the Deluge has some sample/preset quantity issues I'm not aware of.
Would love to hear any info you guys have to offer, thanks in advance!
I get a few freezes here and there, but only occasionally. It's software after all and it will bug out every now and then. Just save regularly.
As for sample load times, I found the TAL multisamples took a few seconds to load whilst scrolling. Some of the wavs are fairly large so that is to be expected.
I just want to backup what @ceetronic said.
Same here.
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@moonflower - are you running off mains power when it crashes? make sure its very well charged, if brand new. The crash you speak of seems indicative of a power supply issue.
Yeah, haha, those TAL multi-samples are HUGE, so def delays when scrolling through.
I was running off of a freshly charged battery when that crash happened - could this be a sign of a bad battery? I purchased it used and was assured the battery was in good condition but who knows.
Thankfully after using Deluge for a couple more hours today I have yet to experience another crash, so I'm hoping it was either a fluke or something that won't be a frequent occurrence going forward. Do you have any recommendations on how to further test/diagnose the battery or other potential power supply issues?
I've had crashes,most seem to be when I've been editing samples,start/end points,and recording into the deluge.
Not always with huge projects.
I notice that the Deluge is often laggy before the crash.
purchased it used and was assured the battery was in good condition but who knows.
. Do you have any recommendations on how to further test/diagnose the battery or other potential power supply issues?
If second hand, maybe worth just picking up a new battery anyway, they only cost $5 or so, get them from tons of places, lithium 18650 3000mAh. You can see changing instructions on our YouTube channel, it might also just be worth checking its sitting in correctly...perhaps it got dislodged in transit to you? You can press the metal tongs firmly against it to make sure its locked in place.
I concur: the TAL sample library is nice but lead to the Deluge crashing when for example arranging a decked out song in arranger mode. happened a lot to me. now i use downsized synth sample patches and the workflow is much smoother.
I get some strange behavior quite regularly when playing for a while in battery mode. I thought that it might be a power issues so I didnt pay too much attention, restarted and then it worked for a while.
Did never experience any hang or so in the powered mode.
But I need to mention, that the 'mobility' of the deluge is fantastic. Its fun on the couch and headphones.
apologies if this isn't the best place to note/report crashes, but I've got this one three times so far:
When I try to change the unison settings (i.e. the number of voices) on a sample while a kit clip is playing, the deluge crashes. If I'm remembering right it crashes after two or three voices are added. I'm still very much in the early "pressing buttons to see what they do" stage of owning this machine, so if there's a good reason I shouldn't try to do this specific thing, please let me know m8s!
I just tried recreating this but didnβt have any issues. I sequenced a kit and hit play, then started bringing the number of voices up for various rows, sometimes up to 8. But no crash.
Is there any other specifics happening before it crashes?
Just to chip in, might be that it happens with just a specific sample? Maybe the sample is corrupted or something.
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My unit has been rocking and rolling ever since I went back to my 32gb card.. although I am still going to re-try the 128gb card..
But 2 nights ago it crashed when I played a particular song with samples that seem to be culprit after reading prior post here.
How could a sample... That I personally sampled be corrupted,?
How Could a Sample become corrupted? Let me count the ways...
1 - A portion of memory on the SD card becomes unreliable and/or fails (not all SD cards are as reliable as you hope)
2 - When working with the SD card on a PC, a file becomes cached on the PC, and you remove the SD card before the cache is written back to the SD card.
3 - A cosmic ray (unluckily) passes through your SD card - see (1)
To attempt to mitigate against these risks, I created a folder on my PC named "SD Card CURRENT", and every time I put my working Deluge SD card in my PC the first thing I do is to copy the entire contents of the SD card to that folder.
In other words, that folder is my backup. So if the SD card fails, I get a new SD card, copy whatever is in that folder to the card, and continue work. If a particular file becomes unreliable, I can find that file in the folder and copy it onto the card again.
Same thing happens to me at times , using just 2 tracks as well, and different firmware hasnβt made a differences . Ive learned the hard way to save often . I have very few samples other than stock samples it came with on it.
Idea: wouldnt it be good to have some sort of indicator of CPU usage? This way you can tell if you overload it.