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How do I export my arranged song?

PeterPeter Posts: 3

Hi there,

I am sure this is a stupid question and has been answered elsewhere but I could not find anything in the forums.

So I spent some time with my new deluge and arranged a song. Now, to send it off to someone I wanted to export it and after saving (even in collect mode), I was surprised to find no full WAV file in my SD card that contained my song.

Now I might be naive but I was surprised to find no mention about exporting arrangements in the manual either.
Is this really not possible? What is the minimal effort to get out the arranged song?

Don't get me wrong, I absolutely LOVE this thing. It just seems that actually getting out my song seems me to learn/buy/etc. a DAW or an expensive microphone/audio interface? I have little knowledge with these things and hoped the deluge would be an all-in-one solution for casuals like myself. I absolutely wanted to avoid having to use a DAW.

So if there is a way, I would greatly appreciate the easiest and cheapest way to get off my song from the device.

Best Answer

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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USAPosts: 993
    Answer ✓

    Easiest is to resample the arrangement. In arrangement view, press and hold record then press play. Press record again after the arrangement is finished playing. Now the latest file in the RESAMPLE folder will be a wave file of your song.


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    PeterPeter Posts: 3

    @Too_Mere said:
    Easiest is to resample the arrangement. In arrangement view, press and hold record then press play. Press record again after the arrangement is finished playing. Now the latest file in the RESAMPLE folder will be a wave file of your song.

    Oh perfect thank you! For some reason I thought re-sampling would only record from a microphone. That works perfectly.

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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    Yeah it records all audio coming from the Deluge. Great sound design tool as well!

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    jensgjensg Berlin, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 297

    When having a complete arrangement, I do the following:

    In arranger view, add an audio track and arm it, set the input to “output”. Now unmute all the tracks you want as a stem and start recording. Repeat this process for every stem you want to have.

    Detail: It’s good practice to put an empty white clip in this audio track at the end before recording, so the recording will stop even if unattended. This way I can go away for a couple of minutes and the recording will still be OK when I come back. It makes the recording process less painful.

    The resulting audio tracks will respect the volume levels and my mix is respected. Also I can check if all the tracks have exported correctly.

    Then I save the project as a new “exported project”. In the last step I delete all the original midi and synth clips, leaving only the recorded stems in my project. Then I save the project again and collect all media.

    This way I have a folder with only the exported stems perfectly lining up and all in one folder.

    This you can take to your DAW or anywhere else. It sounds more complicated than it actually is and will get into muscle memory fast.

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    jensgjensg Berlin, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 297

    Now would I like to have this automated? Sure, but I wouldn’t know if this workflow will be some thing that other people like too.


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