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Hi , i just put in SD card with Samples , im trying to load them , ive gone into "track view" and then shift + kit ,
i think i entered file browser and may created a mistake so now im stuck in cv mode and cant get back into kit , even when pressing ? is there a factory reset function?
No 1 / load samples sd
No 2 / Turn on
No 3 / Press Track View
No 4 / Shift Kit = oSC1 ,, BACK button is flashing
Don't no where to go from here ?
Please tell me what I need to no ?
if your in kit mode.. hold down the mute /unmute (right most column) with the load button simultaneously and it should bring you into the sample. thats just one way of accessing that smaple menu.
i suggest reading the manual to get a sense of the menu structure. It can be a little confusing at first but after only a short amount of use it should become easy to navigate.
I'm in kitmode and pressed audition and load and now I'm.getting , OH. in the Red digital screen and the BACK and LOAD BUTTON are flashing , Also the UNMUTE and AUDITION buttons are white and green ? , I must be the thickest on the block , lol!
I press Mute/Unmute and LOAD button and NONE is displayed on screen and then 0 is displayed
Why can't I load WAV kits ?
this is all explained in the manual and the videos better, so just go slow with it and experiment a lot and you'll get the hang of it.
yes I have heard of what you are describing going back and up to locate Folder , files , wavs .
And I will try ,
I hope I'm only step away from complete groundbreaking sonic moments
It's too beautiful to give up , after the Sample load success I would like to connect it to a korg Kronos and try out the Midi PC , CC , the fact that Program Change was added was a great addition
Thanks Again
I pressed SHIFT + KIT = FOLDER flashes in red and
oSC1 flashes in red and BACK button flashes in red
Yes I have viewed that specific video even before I got the Deluge.
I have clicked the SELECT knob = oSC1 flashes in red and BACK button flashes in red .
Cool Thanks , I was thinking of how many Deluge owners are present here in Ireland,
Might give you a call down the road ..
It will brilliant using the Deluge with the Korg Kronos and it sounds huge in the Deluge and playing a whole Orchestra and recording it was so night
having midi PC
control the Korg Kronos program presets sounds amazing , im getting more into each structure of the workflow
I must start programing the CCs into the Deluge and hopefully get the samples to load from SD ,
I find the FM synth in the Deluge is a brilliant starting point to go in and program
If the Deluge MK2 arrives , 2 Vector Synthesis joysticks with PC , CC would be fabulous to morph between mutli samples and FM synthesis and effects and wireless midi would be a killer .
Love your enthusiasm man! Hope you get your problem sorted out
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
I shouldn't have removed the Factory SD and install my WAV files on my own SD which I installed on the Deluge and I was wondering why it couldn't locate the Sample Folder
No wonder my WAV files could not be found
There was no file pathway to locate Samples on my SD so I got my WAV files in the Samples folder on the factory SD
And I have the Factory folder downloaded incase I need install more Wav files and I no its up to 32gb
I thought aswell all factory content was stored internally , because that's the set up I'm used to .
Glad you got it sorted out, @Beam.
Yes I got that sorted , phew! ,
Does the cloning function extend 4 bars to 8 ,16 , 24 , 32 , 48 , 64 , or is the zoom used for this ?
@Beam To extend tracks, you can either hold Shift and turn the <>-knob to extend step by step, also to make odd-numbered/ different track lengths.
Or you can multiply the length of a screen by holding Shift and pressing the <>-knob
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
When you want to duplicate the notes of a track. you do as @Icoustik has said above. Though now with version 1.4, we have a couple new awsome ways of duplicating!
After I press shift + kit It reads
neo - fold - osc1 ,
When I scroll back with select knob I get
Pan , PolU , SidE , FE , Yoic , LFo2 , LFo1 ,EnY2, EnY1 , nodE , HPF , LPF , Yibr , trAn ,noi5, oSC2 EnY1 ,nodE, HPF, LPF , Yibr, trAn , noiS , osc1 , osc2 ,,,,,, looks like an empty kit with all the edit parameters
I checked the SD card on computer and the kits and synth files are present
I wonder if I missed something or screwed the folder hierarchy
Ps , Thanks .