Muting MIDI Track does not stop tempo/clock signal for particular MIDI Channel
I certainly consider myself a "newbie" on the Deluge, just recently acquiring the device. I started pairing it with some of my other devices and I ran into an issue with the Crave which I describe below.
I just got a Behringer Crave and was able to pair it with my Arturia Keystep PRO just fine, and, when using a track on the Keystep I could either stop or Mute the track and the Crave would react appropriately/expected. When I proceeded to hookup my Deluge and perform the same test, I could stop the track from playing while using the PLAY (toggle MIDI notes on/off), however, when I MUTE the track it appears the Deluge continues to send the clock (via MDI DIN cable) and the Crave continues to play a single note per the Deluge's tempo. I am using the Deluge connected via the MIDI DIN cable (from Deluge MIDI OUT to Crave MIDI IN), then, creating a sequence on a MIDI track on Deluge. Then I hit PLAY on Deluge and test the MUTE pad on the particular track. While playing the correct sequenced notes are played on the Crave. Did I miss any options/settings that need to be enabled/disabled on the Deluge? Any insights would certainly be appreciated! Thank you.
p.s. NOTE: Bothe devices have the latest firmware.
MIDI clock is not sent on specific channels. It’s global to all. This is the case for any MIDI devices. If the clock only is producing a note it must be involved with the Crave‘a sequencer. It may be best to turn MIDI clock sending or receiving off in this case.
Thank you very much for the reply & insights, much appreciated! After several attempts with various configurations, I was able to get rid of the issue of not triggering by completely "deactivating" the Crave's sequencer via the SynthTribe tool (software interface). This deactivation operation can not be done directly on the hardware, thus, the SW interface came handy.
Per your suggestion, I will also check if I can do so via turning off receiving the clock (from Deluge) at Crave via hardware (since this will avoid having to reset via the software tool every time I use a different setup). Though, I still would want the tempo to be controlled by the Deluge along with Play/Stop/Pause. I am thinking I could use the Tempo (CV) input, along with Play/Stop (CV) input, at Crave via connections to the Deluge CV output (or Gate Out). Will read more about the Deluge Gate/CV setup requirements.
Again, thank you!
You can turn off MIDI clock out in Deluge settings under MIDI. No need for an app.
If you’re sequencing the crave from a MIDI clip I don’t see why you’d need to send clock to the Crave. Also probably shouldn’t have any notes sequenced on the Crave itself in that case.
Perfect, thank you! You are correct, I have no notes on the Crave (just it's own internal 1 note default). For future setups, might need the clock out from Deluge for additional external synths. Still learning and troubleshooting through my learning curve. Again, thank you!
Happy to help👍🏼