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Will an iPad suffice as a device for Deluge backup,sample import etc?

in Deluge Help
In the immediate future I can only get an SD card reader with a usb-c connector, which means my iPad Pro rather than my PC. Is there any reason why using an iPad for Deluge backup,sample import etc would be a bad idea? Will putting then Deluge card into a reader attached to an iPad possibly muck up the card somehow? I am very new to Deluge and SD cards. I'll be less concerned once I have a working copy of the SD card. Cheers.
I see. Well the two cards I have are the 32GB ones that came with the Deluge, so should be apples. Thanks @Too_Mere.
The iPad currently can‘t write stuff on FAT32 Cards. When I tried to use my iPad Pro it messed up the order of the folders because the iPad always creates a file on your SD. Im not sure but possibly even when only reading files e.g. doing a backup.
Interesting. I did apparently manage to copy the SD's contents to the iPad. I also added a folder of my own audio files to the SD card. I don't know anything about any folders being out of order or whatever, but two of my "songs" (embryos really) got corrupted and wouldn't open after I re-inserted the card.
Hmm. I don’t have an iPad but I saw this that said they can read/write FAT32. Could be wrong tho.
Well it seemed 96% successful for me. That last 4% is a bummer tho.
Did you make sure the folder of samples you added is nested under the SAMPLES folder?
I put my samples in the wrong place initially, but then sussed out the correct location.
I'll get an SD reader for my PC soon, but it would be super convenient to also be able to use the iPad Pro without any corruption concerns.
That was the case for me aswell Technically you can write and read on FAT32, but in my case it always created a file on the main folder of the SD! I only found out when I finally plugged the SD to my PC.
Edit: copying files from SD to the iPad works fine.
when Writing to SD consider the deluges folder structure and look at the File Extensions before copying.
From the Manual: „Native sample format 16/24 bit / 44.1kHz, and up to 32 bit / 96kHz using file formats of AIFF or WAV“