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Audio Clips don't get recorded

ooijjooijj BerlinPosts: 21

I don't know if it's me (it probably is) but I keep encountering issues when recording audio.

I create a Synth clip, 4 bars long, and record some notes into it.
In Song mode I create an audio clip and set the input to [balance.]
I send guitar audio into the Deluge via my mixer's Alt channels.
I can hear the audio fine, see a level coming out of the Deluge.
Still in Song mode I press and hold record to ensure the clip is ready to record into (flashing dark purple).
I press play, hear the 4 beat intro, then start playing once the loop starts.
The red cursor moves along the clip, I can see the preceding pads go green, as though audio is going into it.
Towards the end of the clip I press the launch button for that clip, which according to the manual should stop the clip recording at the end of the clip. Which it does. But the loop begins again and there's nothing audible in the clip. It's empty.

Case 2
I create a Synth clip, 4 bars long, and record some notes into it.
In Song mode I create an audio clip and set the input to [balance.]
I send guitar audio into the Deluge via my mixer's Alt channels.
I can hear the audio fine, see a level coming out of the Deluge.
Still in Song mode I press and hold record to ensure the clip is ready to record into (flashing dark purple).
I press play, hear the 4 beat intro, then start playing once the loop starts.
The red cursor moves along the clip, I can see the preceding pads go green, as though audio is going into it.
Towards the end of the clip I press the button mapped to [Loop] on my midi foot controller. The launch button for that clip flashes and at the end of the loop it goes out of recording mode. But when the loop begins again and there's nothing audible in the clip.

What am I doing wrong?


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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    There’s two possibilities I can think of that may cause your problem.
    1. The audio being recorded is very low level. Guitars usually need a preamp to bring them to line level before sending to the deluge. Try raising the gain being sent to the deluge and/or adjust the clip level and maybe saturation amount to add gain.
    2. The signal you hear could be monitoring a different track than the one you’re recording a clip with. Check in arranger that you’re monitoring the correct audio track.

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    volstehvolsteh CroatiaPosts: 422

    did you tried stereo.?


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    ooijjooijj BerlinPosts: 21

    @Too_Mere assuming I'm audio-monitoring only the clip I'm recording into, and the signal seems to mix in okay with the other 'synth' clips, there should be sufficient signal, no? Is there a way to check dB levels visually on the Deluge?

    I have my guitar patched through a mixer with a pre-amp that boosts the signal, the pedals 'inserted' into this channel, and the channel sent to the 'alt' bus which is sent to the Deluge. I use the visual signals on the mixer to see where I'm at dB-wise. It's often lower than I would like because the Deluge seems to distort sound pretty easily - a weird digital crackle. If you know any tricks with how to record audio with a decent level would love to know them. Apart from the finicky button sequences to setting up audio tracks and then record audio, this is one thing about the Deluge I've found difficult when using it as a looper with external instruments.

    @volsteh As I understood it [balance.] is for recording all audio input on to both L+R channels in the clip. But maybe that's effecting the sound level as my guitar signal is only on the L channel and then getting spread to both L+R and effectively being halved. I'll try using [left.] and see if that helps.

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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    From the manual on the balanced input option:
    “Used when running a mono signal via a TRS cable from a balanced output into the Deluge’s line input socket.” If it’s not balanced out/TRS you should probably go with L.

    It sounds like you should be hearing audio. Does this happen when starting a new song? If so, is there any chance you can post a video? The monitor level and playback level should be even unless you have multiple tracks monitoring the signal.

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    ooijjooijj BerlinPosts: 21

    @Too_Mere will try with L and see how that goes. If issue persists will post a video. Thanks for the help :smile:

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    RupertRupert LondonPosts: 8

    Hey-did you ever get a suitable result? I'm having the same issues...

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    ooijjooijj BerlinPosts: 21

    @Rupert said:
    Hey-did you ever get a suitable result? I'm having the same issues...

    Hey Rupert. So I've changed my set up somewhat since then and am no longer experiencing issues. Here's what I changed:

    • I am no longer using a mixer, but am sending the guitar signal through a pre-amp, and into the Deluge audio input with a [LEFT] setting on the clip.
    • I realised my headphones were rated at a high Ohm level, so my monitor level sounded very low. I'm now using a headphone amp to boost the output signal of the Deluge. That's definitely helped with having a too-high/distorted signal on audio clips.
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