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Where should we report Deluge manual errors

galengalen Beta Tester Posts: 22

Hi all,

I'm using my Deluge as a sequencer for a couple pieces of Moog hardware. The manual (version 3.1) indicates that Moog equipment uses "S-trig" style gates, where the voltage of the gate is high when closed and drops when open. From what I can tell this is not the case. The Matriarch definitely expects "V-trig" gate. Using S-trig configuration on the Matriarch results in a constant drone at the level of the amp envelope's sustain value. DFAM envelops don't have a sustain stage, so the DFAM behaves a bit better with S-trig gates, but the DFAM functions just fine with V-trig gates as well.

Where is the best place to report such errors in the manual?




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