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USB Type-B adaptor for midi host?
United StatesPosts: 6
What USB converter are you using to host midi controllers?
I just got a midimix and a USB B male to USB A female adapter to connect my deluge in host mode. When I boot up, it's sending power but no midi connection. I looked into the amazon reviews and it seems like the converter has to be OTG capable to transmit midi data(?)
Has anyone run into this issue? I've scoured the web but can't find any adaptors that definitely support midi.
Is there something else I'm missing? Do I need to set up the akai before using host mode?
I'd order the adaptor from synthstrom but I'm in NA and that feels a little gratuitous 😅
I never heard of this OTG spec. I bought the cheapest B-male-to-A-female adapter I could find, didn't even know any specific feature is required (which I actually doubt it is) and it works perfectly. This is the adapter:
Is your deluge connected to a power source while the midimix is connected and you switch the deluge on?
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Thank you @broughtonfilm and @Heptagen for your replies! It was indeed a power issue. I didn't realize the power supply I had plugged in was center positive. Fixed that and the midimix worked perfectly!
Oh, good to hear that your deluge didn't take any damage from that wrong power supply...
Happy deluging and midimixing!
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