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Automation not saved properly after recording to arranger, saving and loading (3.1.5)

YwenYwen Paris, FrancePosts: 21
edited June 2021 in Deluge Help

I might have stumbled upon something that looks like a bug (or I missed someting?)

After recording to arranger a performance in which I move some parameters, I stop recording by hitting Record, and then what I get in the arranger view looks and sounds ok: there are white clips instead of coloured ones in the parts where I moved some knobs, and what is played back is exactly what I played. So far so good.
But then, I save my project, switch off the Deluge and load back the project. And here problems start. The white clips are still present in the arranger view, but their automation is completely mangled: parameters I've touched don't start at the position they were originally at, then they jump suddenly instead of moving just as smoothly as I recorded them, etc. Anyone has the same problem?

The song view is recorded properly: my clips are there as I left them, with their automation properly played back after saving and loading. It's only the content of the white clips in the arranger view that are mangled. Record to arranger is a mega-useful feature to me and this problem makes it kind of unusable if what I recorded can never survive a reboot...

Should I file a proper bug report? Not sure where I should do that...

[I might in my project have some synths which I haven't saved as such (they are just recorded as part of the project, not sure I make sense, but as I said they are properly restored anyway in song & clip views). Could that be the problem? But in any case, why doesn't save and load get me exactly back to where I was? I have no audio/MIDI/CV tracks, only synths and kits]

Post edited by Ywen on


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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    First thing to check, 3.1.5 is the latest firmware. If not already on that version, update and see if the problem persists.

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    YwenYwen Paris, FrancePosts: 21
    edited June 2021

    @Too_Mere Yep, I checked the Settings menu and I confirm I was already on 3.1.5 (editing the thread title)

    Post edited by Ywen on
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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    It seems you’re right. I was able to replicate on my end as well. I’m tagging @rohan who I’ll also send a message to with more info I found.
    I’m confident Rohan will get this corrected before the next release :)

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    YwenYwen Paris, FrancePosts: 21

    @Too_Mere Thanks for trying it on your end :)
    Ok, so it looks more and more like a bug...

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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    No problem 👍🏼
    Thanks for pointing this out.

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    rohanrohan Staff Posts: 590

    Hi @Ywen, thanks for finding this bug! I've just found and fixed it - it was a bit of a tricky one.

    The fix will be in the next firmware release / beta :)

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    volstehvolsteh CroatiaPosts: 422
    edited June 2021

    @rohan said:
    Hi @Ywen, thanks for finding this bug! I've just found and fixed it - it was a bit of a tricky one.

    The fix will be in the next firmware release / beta :)

    Post edited by volsteh on


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    YwenYwen Paris, FrancePosts: 21

    @rohan said:
    Hi @Ywen, thanks for finding this bug! I've just found and fixed it - it was a bit of a tricky one.

    The fix will be in the next firmware release / beta :)

    Yay :) ! Thanks

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