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custom user scales?

WillWill Middle of NowHere, CanadaPosts: 236

I've been reading various threads here, but I still don't fully understand the Deluge parameters/options here.
(just ordered my Deluge - backordered, so it may be a while)

Can you create user defined scales, (not microtonal, just within the standard 12 tone, equal tempered base), using lights to clarify the notes you've selected? and store different ones for quick recall, etc.?

(I used this feature a lot with my Linnstrument, and hope that a similar option exists, or may be in the works...)


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    amiga909amiga909 Central EuropePosts: 1,078

    u can create user scales, kind of. linnstrument or launchpad are much more flexible and easier to use for this.
    support for scales other than diatonic or chromatic

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    WillWill Middle of NowHere, CanadaPosts: 236

    Thank U!

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    syn44syn44 OkcPosts: 7
    edited September 2018

    You can definitely make user scales. But store for recall is not an option yet. To make a user scale first select root note. Then get out of scale mode. Then enter the keys you want in the grid. Then press scale mode again then it will display either the scale it is in or it will say other. There are already about 100 scales preset internal also

    Post edited by syn44 on
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    WillWill Middle of NowHere, CanadaPosts: 236


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    manysoundsmanysounds The GunksBeta Tester Posts: 43

    @syn44 said:
    You can definitely make user scales. But store for recall is not an option yet. To make a user scale first select root note. Then get out of scale mode. Then enter the keys you want in the grid. Then press scale mode again then it will display either the scale it is in or it will say other. There are already about 100 scales preset internal also

    Just to be really annoying I wanted to say there aren't "hundreds of scales", unfortunately, because music theory. An A minor scale being "the same scale" as a C major. C major is D dorian, etc etc.
    It would be VERY cool to have more scales and some simple scale modes.
    These would all be great:
    Whole-half, Whole Tone, Minor Pentatonic, Minor Blues (minor P with M6 and add b5), Major P, Harmonic Minor, Melodic Minor, Super Locrian, Phrygian Dominant (~Hijaz - Phyrigian with M3), Bhairav, "Hungarian Minor", Minor Gypsy (Dorian with b5), Hirojoshi, In-Sen, Iwato, Kumoi, Pelog, ETC :)

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    joeshjoesh BrusselsPosts: 67

    @manysounds said:

    @syn44 said:
    You can definitely make user scales. [...] There are already about 100 scales preset internal also

    Just to be really annoying I wanted to say there aren't "hundreds of scales" [...]

    I totally agree @manysounds, as you say there are not hundreds of scales. In fact, it's probably the weak point of the Deluge, and, something that could be easily fixed (I suspect). I wonder why we can't have the option to create a scale oneself - press 'scale' and hey presto, the Deluge puts them from low to high on the 8 note grid - exception, a pentatonic scale, but that could at least repeat with the first 3 notes an octave higher, etc.

    Anyhow, lets cross fingers, maybe one day this will be a standard feature ;)

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    IcoustikIcoustik NorwayModerator, Beta Tester, Mentor Posts: 1,017
    edited May 2021

    @joesh said:
    I totally agree @manysounds, as you say there are not hundreds of scales. In fact, it's probably the weak point of the Deluge, and, something that could be easily fixed (I suspect). I wonder why we can't have the option to create a scale oneself - press 'scale' and hey presto, the Deluge puts them from low to high on the 8 note grid - exception, a pentatonic scale, but that could at least repeat with the first 3 notes an octave higher, etc.

    Anyhow, lets cross fingers, maybe one day this will be a standard feature ;)

    You CAN make custom scales, albeit locked to 7 notes, like you said.
    Hold an audition pad (in a synth clip) and hold & turn Select knob to sharpen or flatten notes in a scale, after setting a root note of choice.
    This is an alternative to what Syn44 said:
    "To make a user scale first select root note. Then get out of scale mode. Then enter the keys you want in the grid. Then press scale mode again then it will display either the scale it is in or it will say other."

    Post edited by Icoustik on

    ~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ

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    WillWill Middle of NowHere, CanadaPosts: 236

    @Icoustik said:

    @joesh said:
    I totally agree @manysounds, as you say there are not hundreds of scales. In fact, it's probably the weak point of the Deluge, and, something that could be easily fixed (I suspect). I wonder why we can't have the option to create a scale oneself - press 'scale' and hey presto, the Deluge puts them from low to high on the 8 note grid - exception, a pentatonic scale, but that could at least repeat with the first 3 notes an octave higher, etc.

    Anyhow, lets cross fingers, maybe one day this will be a standard feature ;)

    You CAN make custom scales, albeit locked to 7 notes, like you said.
    Hold an audition pad (in a synth clip) and hold & turn Select knob to sharpen or flatten notes in a scale, after setting a root note of choice.
    This is an alternative to what Syn44 said:
    "To make a user scale first select root note. Then get out of scale mode. Then enter the keys you want in the grid. Then press scale mode again then it will display either the scale it is in or it will say other."

    Damn you're helpful! thanks........Synthstrom should have you on retainer

    ...all the best......



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    joeshjoesh BrusselsPosts: 67

    @Icoustik said:
    "To make a user scale first select root note. Then get out of scale mode. Then enter the keys you want in the grid. Then press scale mode again then it will display either the scale it is in or it will say other."

    Sorry for the mistake, I tried a couple of examples and none worked. However, after again seeing this post (thanks @Icoustik) I went away and tried some other options and yes, indeed if you pick 8 notes (not 9 or 7) in an octave, it will indeed as the manual says, make a custom scale.

    A little later .. after testing again, unless I'm mistaken, the Deluge doesn't seem to let you repeat notes or as I said earlier have less or more than 8. This explains the pentatonic problem which I tried several times - out of interest - by repeating C' and D' up an octave (to make 8), and the Deluge just put them back to 'Major'.

    Thanks again, and sorry for the misinformation :/ .

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    KenoubiKenoubi United StatesBeta Tester Posts: 46

    @joesh said:

    @Icoustik said:
    "To make a user scale first select root note. Then get out of scale mode. Then enter the keys you want in the grid. Then press scale mode again then it will display either the scale it is in or it will say other."

    Sorry for the mistake, I tried a couple of examples and none worked. However, after again seeing this post (thanks @Icoustik) I went away and tried some other options and yes, indeed if you pick 8 notes (not 9 or 7) in an octave, it will indeed as the manual says, make a custom scale.

    A little later .. after testing again, unless I'm mistaken, the Deluge doesn't seem to let you repeat notes or as I said earlier have less or more than 8. This explains the pentatonic problem which I tried several times - out of interest - by repeating C' and D' up an octave (to make 8), and the Deluge just put them back to 'Major'.

    That's not exactly right. Try setting the scale to minor (which for Deluge means natural minor), enter one of each of that scale's notes on the grid, switch scale mode off, enter a leading tone, and switch scale mode back on. You'll end up with an "OTHE" scale that's basically both a natural and a melodic minor scale; it has 9 notes, with two different "7th" scale degrees. I don't think it's possible to get a scale with fewer than 8 notes though, nor are all scales with 8 or more notes allowed; enter 8 notes each a semitone apart and turn on scale mode and you'll end up with a scale with 11 notes in it, not 8. I don't know what logic dictates what is or isn't allowed.

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    joeshjoesh BrusselsPosts: 67

    @Kenoubi, brilliant, I'll have another look at that thanks.

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    Antho56Antho56 France Posts: 11

    @Kenoubi said:
    That's not exactly right. Try setting the scale to minor (which for Deluge means natural minor), enter one of each of that scale's notes on the grid, switch scale mode off, enter a leading tone, and switch scale mode back on. You'll end up with an "OTHE" scale that's basically both a natural and a melodic minor scale; it has 9 notes, with two different "7th" scale degrees. I don't think it's possible to get a scale with fewer than 8 notes though, nor are all scales with 8 or more notes allowed; enter 8 notes each a semitone apart and turn on scale mode and you'll end up with a scale with 11 notes in it, not 8. I don't know what logic dictates what is or isn't allowed.

    Hello everyone. I tried this method above ,but i was not successful. I wanted an akebono scale (5 notes) And only these 5 notes per Octaves.(On the ISO keyboard) Has anyone managed to obtain a pentatonic ? If so, is it possible to explain step by step? Thanks a lot.

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    caseycasey OregonPosts: 1

    Bump. Struggling with this exact issue as well; can't create a custom scale less than 7 notes, else the machine's "analysis" kicks in, adds notes on its own and determines a root note for you. Any update on the Scala mod? Also, if the devs are listening, I am running the beta and at one point there was a pentatonic scale in the scale list, but it just disappeared and is no longer in the list!

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