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Need help with your Deluge? READ HERE

Ian_JorgensenIan_Jorgensen Wellington, New ZealandPosts: 614
edited July 2021 in Deluge Help



This category is primarily for people seeking answers on how to implement certain functions, workflow issues, confusion etc.

Any question you have, basic or advanced, ask here and one of our most advanced users will respond within 24 hours, or will escalate your query to someone at Synthstrom.

When you create a new discussion with your question you need help with, ideally, please use the arrow pull down and select "Ask a Question" opposed to "New Discussion" - this will allow us to mark it as answered when done so.

If you have a problem with the hardware itself, ie: knobs, pads, etc... you should first check the FAQ

If you believe you have a fault with your Deluge, fill in the form here.

If your Deluge is a little beaten up and could do with a refresh/servicing, find out about that here.

Post edited by Ian_Jorgensen on


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    HypostaticHypostatic Beta Tester Posts: 19


    Firstly just got the Deluge and good grief this is a lot of fun. I'm trying to go both through the manual and some of the many tutorials out there.

    As such one thing I keep finding is that the 3.0 update should show the file names for synth presets. By default - user error or something, all I see are numbers. It's fine just auditioning, but wondering if I am missing something?

    One of many stupid questions that I'll probably ask.


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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    The Deluge does show the file names. Your file presets are likely still just numbers in the file name. You have to actually name them, either from a computer or on the Deluge itself.
    The preset names and corresponding numbers can be found in the manual.
    I also recommend adding a prefix (like B. for bass) to help find the type of sound you’re after.

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    HypostaticHypostatic Beta Tester Posts: 19

    Thanks @Too_Mere - apparently I misunderstood that. Not a huge deal and thanks for the advice. I just saw a video somewhere that showed that 3.0+ now had names and didn't realize I had to do the naming. Not a huge issue, but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.

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    JipmannJipmann UKPosts: 6


    Can you help me as I'm driving myself mad with this - I've tried the manual / searching forum / YouTube etc but can't find a solution/ where I am going wrong.

    I'm trying to use the Deluge as a sound module in Ableton (i.e. using an external midi keyboard Ableton to trigger the deluge to play notes but it's just not working.)

    Everything seems setup correct, Deluge is plugged in via USB and detected by Ableton for Midi settings

    In preferences I have Deluge (OUT) set with Track & Sync set to ON Remote is OFF - the Deluge clock sync's no problem - when I press play in ableton the deluge plays - so this all seems fine.

    Midi notes are definitely being received by ableton from my midi keyboard

    I have an external instrument setup (Deluge OUT Midi Channel 1) but no sound triggered - I can trigger the internal sound by using the Deluge own pads so the sound is getting through (ruling out sound card issue)

    even if I create a midi clip to send notes to Deluge it doesn't respond.

    I can't see anything in Deluge midi settings (Have reset everything to default just in case)

    Ableton is seeing the Deluge - the Deluge responds to Ableton Clock - I've set the Deluge correctly in Ableton (I believe) - but the Deluge just isn't triggering external midi notes.

    Am I missing something simple in the Deluge settings?

    Many thanks in advance.

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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    @Jipmann said:

    Can you help me as I'm driving myself mad with this - I've tried the manual / searching forum / YouTube etc but can't find a solution/ where I am going wrong.

    I'm trying to use the Deluge as a sound module in Ableton (i.e. using an external midi keyboard Ableton to trigger the deluge to play notes but it's just not working.)

    Everything seems setup correct, Deluge is plugged in via USB and detected by Ableton for Midi settings

    In preferences I have Deluge (OUT) set with Track & Sync set to ON Remote is OFF - the Deluge clock sync's no problem - when I press play in ableton the deluge plays - so this all seems fine.

    Midi notes are definitely being received by ableton from my midi keyboard

    I have an external instrument setup (Deluge OUT Midi Channel 1) but no sound triggered - I can trigger the internal sound by using the Deluge own pads so the sound is getting through (ruling out sound card issue)

    even if I create a midi clip to send notes to Deluge it doesn't respond.

    I can't see anything in Deluge midi settings (Have reset everything to default just in case)

    Ableton is seeing the Deluge - the Deluge responds to Ableton Clock - I've set the Deluge correctly in Ableton (I believe) - but the Deluge just isn't triggering external midi notes.

    Am I missing something simple in the Deluge settings?

    Many thanks in advance.

    You have to “learn” the MIDI from Ableton to the synth/instrument you want to control on the Deluge. To do this, enter the clip of the synth you want to control. Hold the Learn/input button and send MIDI notes to the Deluge. Now that MIDI channel will control that synth.

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    JipmannJipmann UKPosts: 6

    @Too_Mere said:

    You have to “learn” the MIDI from Ableton to the synth/instrument you want to control on the Deluge. To do this, enter the clip of the synth you want to control. Hold the Learn/input button and send MIDI notes to the Deluge. Now that MIDI channel will control that synth.

    Hi thanks for reply - I did also try that - I am in Deluge - with just one synth setup (in the arrange clip NOT song - red synth button lit up) held down LEARN/INPUT and pressed midi notes - nothing happens on the Deluge though???

    (Also just on that topic - is there no way of setting the midi channel in each synth in the Deluge from within Deluge without using the learn function?)

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    JipmannJipmann UKPosts: 6

    UPDATE - I've just got it to work pressing LEARN + AUDITION button on Deluge Synth whilst inputting Midi notes. Deluge didn't give me any indication it was set though - so only realised when I pressed a midi key again - thanks

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    Too_MereToo_Mere Chicago, IL, USABeta Tester, Mentor Posts: 993

    @Jipmann said:
    UPDATE - I've just got it to work pressing LEARN + AUDITION button on Deluge Synth whilst inputting Midi notes. Deluge didn't give me any indication it was set though - so only realised when I pressed a midi key again - thanks

    That’s right. Forgot to mention the audition button. Sorry. Glad you got it working!
    The audition buttons should light up and blink while holding learn/input once a MIDI channel has been assigned.

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    projectnmtprojectnmt UKPosts: 6

    Not sure how best to ask the question - but how can I better control when recording will end for an audio clip?
    I create an audio track.
    I might create a kit track - 16 steps long, as I want this to "lock" the tempo and length of this first audio clip - arm the audio clip and record in, hitting the mute/launch before the end of the 16 steps and the audio clip ends as expected - awesome.
    Now say I want to do something a funky, polymetric (or is it rythmic?) and create say, a CV track that is 12 steps long (or some other length) and create some triggers. I create a new audio track to record back the output from the synth responding to these triggers, but I just can't seem to get it to stop recording at the 12 steps - it will seem to carry on for the length of the first track, or the longest one if I have recorded others. I have tried muting other tracks etc - but just can't figure it out.
    I am then getting in a muddle with "trimming" what has been recorded down to the length I want so that it will time stretch and loop as I was hoping it would.
    Any advise would be awesome - including RTFM (with pointers to the section, as I can't seem to find it)

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    volstehvolsteh CroatiaPosts: 422

    @projectnmt said:
    I am then getting in a muddle with "trimming" what has been recorded down to the length I want so that it will time stretch and loop as I was hoping it would.

    For trimming without stretching use the red bar at the end of the audio clip, not in the waveform view. Zoom out fully inside an audio clip then hit the last bottom pad.


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    IcoustikIcoustik NorwayModerator, Beta Tester, Mentor Posts: 1,017

    @projectnmt said:
    Not sure how best to ask the question - but how can I better control when recording will end for an audio clip?
    I create an audio track.
    I might create a kit track - 16 steps long, as I want this to "lock" the tempo and length of this first audio clip - arm the audio clip and record in, hitting the mute/launch before the end of the 16 steps and the audio clip ends as expected - awesome.
    Now say I want to do something a funky, polymetric (or is it rythmic?) and create say, a CV track that is 12 steps long (or some other length) and create some triggers. I create a new audio track to record back the output from the synth responding to these triggers, but I just can't seem to get it to stop recording at the 12 steps - it will seem to carry on for the length of the first track, or the longest one if I have recorded others. I have tried muting other tracks etc - but just can't figure it out.
    I am then getting in a muddle with "trimming" what has been recorded down to the length I want so that it will time stretch and loop as I was hoping it would.
    Any advise would be awesome - including RTFM (with pointers to the section, as I can't seem to find it)

    You can lock an audio clip recording to a length using continuous layering-looping instead of the normal loop command. Either by holding Rec and pressing the section/audition pad below instead of grid row, or by using the LAYEr loop midi command with an external controller.
    First, set-up an audio clip to be as long as you want the recording to be (shift+<> in its clip view), then use the mentioned layer loop command. After recording has started, you can press the red bar in the grid to cancel subsequent layers, and your current recording will close at the designated length.

    ~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ

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    monoseqmonoseq SwedenBeta Tester Posts: 12

    Hello! I hope you're all well!
    I'm experiencing an unresponsive button on the deluge. one of the pads doesnt work everytime it is pressed. does anyone have any solutions on how i can fix this? any help would be much appreciated.

    i'm assuming i'd have to open the deluge up. would it be best to use some 'spray air' to clean the contact or what would you recommend?

    Hope you're staying safe

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    Ian_JorgensenIan_Jorgensen Wellington, New ZealandPosts: 614

    Can people posting here please read the post at the top of this thread? :) There should be no posts IN this thread.

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    IcoustikIcoustik NorwayModerator, Beta Tester, Mentor Posts: 1,017

    @monoseq said:
    Hello! I hope you're all well!
    I'm experiencing an unresponsive button on the deluge. one of the pads doesnt work everytime it is pressed. does anyone have any solutions on how i can fix this? any help would be much appreciated.

    i'm assuming i'd have to open the deluge up. would it be best to use some 'spray air' to clean the contact or what would you recommend?

    Hope you're staying safe

    Please read the post at the top :)

    ~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ

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    trifftriff Liverpool, UKBeta Tester Posts: 6

    @monoseq said:
    Hello! I hope you're all well!
    I'm experiencing an unresponsive button on the deluge. one of the pads doesnt work everytime it is pressed. does anyone have any solutions on how i can fix this? any help would be much appreciated.

    i'm assuming i'd have to open the deluge up. would it be best to use some 'spray air' to clean the contact or what would you recommend?

    Hope you're staying safe

    First up, don't invalidate your warranty!

    It might be because the rubber pads aren't quite seated properly, I had an issue with a sticky Learn button and didn't want to send it back UK to NZ so Synthstrom advised to whip it open and have a look. I trimmed a bit off the rubber (two parts were overlapping) and now it's fine. There are LOADS of screws (40 or more) but it's not too scary in there :)

    They also suggested "This can be a DIY fix. If you apply a small amount of silicone lubricant around the button, that can free it up." but I didn't have any suitable lube and fancied having a look inside.

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    rjh29rjh29 UKBeta Tester Posts: 4

    Just got my Deluge and had a weird problem. I tried to save my first song but it said FAIL. I held Save to collection mode and it said ERRO. So I couldn't save. There were a few other issues - like clicking the top gold encoder when set to CUTOFF/FM changed the four lights on the left but didn't show anything on the screen. (didn't show HPF/EQ/LPF I mean). When I clicked the sample 1 -> Browse button it said FOLD but I couldn't record.

    In any event I removed the SD card, toggled the Lock on and then off again (it was not originally on afaik). Rebooted the Deluge, and it's fine now. Guess I'll keep an eye on it!

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    IcoustikIcoustik NorwayModerator, Beta Tester, Mentor Posts: 1,017
    edited June 2021

    @rjh29 said:
    Just got my Deluge and had a weird problem. I tried to save my first song but it said FAIL. I held Save to collection mode and it said ERRO. So I couldn't save. There were a few other issues - like clicking the top gold encoder when set to CUTOFF/FM changed the four lights on the left but didn't show anything on the screen. (didn't show HPF/EQ/LPF I mean). When I clicked the sample 1 -> Browse button it said FOLD but I couldn't record.

    In any event I removed the SD card, toggled the Lock on and then off again (it was not originally on afaik). Rebooted the Deluge, and it's fine now. Guess I'll keep an eye on it!

    Hey buddy, pelase read the post up top :) We'd love to help - in a dedicated thread, if necessary.

    Post edited by Icoustik on

    ~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ

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    rjh29rjh29 UKBeta Tester Posts: 4
    edited June 2021

    @Icoustik said:
    Hey buddy, pelase read the post up top :) We'd love to help - in a dedicated thread, if necessary.

    Sorry! I did read the post. Perhaps you could help us dumber people by explicitly saying "Do not post in this thread - create a new topic for your question" because it wasn't clear to me :smile:

    Post edited by rjh29 on
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    IcoustikIcoustik NorwayModerator, Beta Tester, Mentor Posts: 1,017

    @rjh29 said:
    Sorry! I did read the post. Perhaps you could help us dumber people by explicitly saying "Do not post in this thread - create a new topic for your question" because it wasn't clear to me :smile:

    True dat. Thanks for the feedback :) Yo @Ian_Jorgensen ^

    ~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ

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    rjh29rjh29 UKBeta Tester Posts: 4
    edited June 2021

    @Icoustik said:

    @rjh29 said:
    Sorry! I did read the post. Perhaps you could help us dumber people by explicitly saying "Do not post in this thread - create a new topic for your question" because it wasn't clear to me :smile:

    True dat. Thanks for the feedback :) Yo @Ian_Jorgensen ^

    fyi as a new user I couldn't create a topic because my membership wasn't approved. The 'Add New Question' button has just appears for me now so I'll be sure to use that. Thanks for the help and also for your sound packs!

    Post edited by rjh29 on
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    IcoustikIcoustik NorwayModerator, Beta Tester, Mentor Posts: 1,017

    @rjh29 said:
    fyi as a new user I couldn't create a topic because my membership wasn't approved. The 'Add New Question' button has just appears for me now so I'll be sure to use that. Thanks for the help and also for your sound packs!

    Sweet! Happy to help, and thank you! :)

    ~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ

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    tingeltingel Hamburg / GermanyPosts: 43
    edited July 2021

    hejhej... i am not allowed to change my profile pic, and even worse to aks questions or make up new discussions. what should i do!? - just read that memeberships can be approved somehow... but how!? ;)

    Post edited by tingel on
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    tingeltingel Hamburg / GermanyPosts: 43

    @rjh29 said:

    @Icoustik said:

    @rjh29 said:
    Sorry! I did read the post. Perhaps you could help us dumber people by explicitly saying "Do not post in this thread - create a new topic for your question" because it wasn't clear to me :smile:

    True dat. Thanks for the feedback :) Yo @Ian_Jorgensen ^

    fyi as a new user I couldn't create a topic because my membership wasn't approved. The 'Add New Question' button has just appears for me now so I'll be sure to use that. Thanks for the help and also for your sound packs!

    how did you make it to be approved? ;)

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    GzomGzom Posts: 4
    edited April 25

    Thanks to all. Problem solved. I'm sorry, but I don't have permission to delete my question yet.

    Post edited by Gzom on
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    GzomGzom Posts: 4

    How can I change the note size when entering notes step by step in the sequencer?

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    Rob_PsychonauticaRob_Psychonautica SwitzerlandPosts: 5

    I have the Deluge powered with a separate power supply, and the Minilab connected via USB, which is then powering it.

    The Deluge seems to recognize it is connected because Minilab shows up in the midi settings, but I cannot get the Minilab to control anything on the Deluge.

    Can anyone help?

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    ronizakronizak orlandoPosts: 10

    i have an old controller a suzuki qchord and it puts out all 16 channels all of the time. the deluge learns the chords i want to play together with the melody drum and bass tracks. Is there a way to turn off deluge recognizing midi channels 1-13. and only 14 15 and 16

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