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Midi programme changes by note

PixelKickerPixelKicker United KingdomPosts: 66

Hey all, I was wondering if there was a way to implement PGA by note in addition to being able to do it by track? This would unlock 'AFX mode' similar to the Bass Station II. Is there a way to do this and if not, is it possible to get it on the roadmap?

A further explanation for those who may not understand. Using the Deluge you can use Midi to switch between sounds on your external synths, currently you (I believe) can only pick a sound per track. I would like to be able to switch what sound my external synth is playing on a note by note basis. If you were using a drum machine, this would enable the creation on crazy drum beats as you quickly switch between kit types as your sequence progresses.



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    BolganiBolgani SuomiPosts: 61

    Well, you can use synth rows in kits, maybe that's the answer? Haven't tried them myself, though.

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    PixelKickerPixelKicker United KingdomPosts: 66

    @Bolgani said:
    Well, you can use synth rows in kits, maybe that's the answer? Haven't tried them myself, though.

    That works using what is on the SD card but I don't think that solves what I am looking to do in controlling external synths. I appreciate the response however, thanks!

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    keymankeyman Palmela, PortugalBeta Tester Posts: 30

    This is "entering" MIDI processing/remapping; something like MIDIHUB from Blokas might be better suited for the job ;-)

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    keymankeyman Palmela, PortugalBeta Tester Posts: 30

    @PixelKicker said:

    I am looking to do in controlling external synths.

    This is "entering" MIDI processing/remapping; something like MIDIHUB from Blokas might be better suited for the job ;-)

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