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Some New Synth Drums (Synths) and Kits

neilbaldwinneilbaldwin UKBeta Tester Posts: 143
edited March 2021 in Deluge Presets

I made these a while back with the intention of making a much more complete set but I'm ridiculously low on music-making time these days so I thought I'd share them as they are.

They were originally made as SYNTH patches because it's much easier to work on a single drum this way and save variations as you go. When you try to do this in a KIT you have to start from scratch every time because it's not possible to load a synth into a kit lane or clone a kit lane.

I finally got around to putting them into KITS, for ease of use, with the tool I just released (SKB - which you can find in the Third Part section)

All drums sounds are 100% Deluge synthesis. There's a variety of techniques in there which hopefully should inspire some exploration and learning. It also shows you that the synth engine can be pretty powerful and creative with a little efforts. I think they're all set to POLYPHONY: MONO so you might get some clicking when playing them quickly. I did this deliberately but you can always change them to POLY if you prefer.

Instructions: unzip the .ZIP. The individual sounds are in the 'Synths' folder, the kits are in the 'Kits' folder.



Post edited by neilbaldwin on


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    volstehvolsteh CroatiaPosts: 422

    Many thanks for this!

    πŸ…½πŸ…ΎπŸ†…πŸ…ΈπŸ…²πŸ…΄ πŸ…³πŸ…΄πŸ…»πŸ†„πŸ…ΆπŸ…ΈπŸ…ΎπŸ…½πŸ…ΈπŸ†‚πŸ†ƒ?

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    RandomAztecRandomAztec IrelandPosts: 108

    thanks, i have recently started sequencing most of my stuff outboard leaving the deluge just for drums , so the synth drum kits are perfect for my use.. thanks again for your efforts

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    psyetipsyeti Moscow? RussiaPosts: 3

    Thank you!

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    neilbaldwinneilbaldwin UKBeta Tester Posts: 143

    I'm currently working on a full drum sound pack along these lines: 100 drums, 100% synth engine. It should be ready for release soon.

    I'm also working on a GUI version of my synth kit building tool. Hopefully both will be ready at the same time but I'm having to do some DEEP Python learning to make the GUI version 🀣

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    opyateopyate United KingdomPosts: 3

    @neilbaldwin said:
    but I'm having to do some DEEP Python learning to make the GUI version 🀣

    Hey Neil, do you have a Github/Gitlab/etc link?

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