My fave old synth is a Roland Juno-6. Love the tangible feedback from twiddling knobs, and the whooshing synth beach waves one can wash out with it. There's a great VST which gets pretty close to it, but nothing beats the original.
My fave new synth is a Roland Gaia SH-01. Digital synth with great patches to download on the Roland website to extend it, plus the software lets you easily make your own, if I recall correctly. Has a great simple hardware layout which lets me twiddle knobs and get live feedback.
Sadly had to sell all my synths when I moved to Europe...
Oberheim OBX 8-voice - because it almost behaves like an acoustic instrument, very organic and moving sound - this instrument has an old soul inside and it has the power to connect with me on another level via its deep harmonic resonances.
My favorite gear is my Moog Slim Phatty. It's my only piece of analog gear and made me see the organic feel that can come from analog. Just about anything I do on it sounds enjoyable to me. Gotta love that Moog self oscillating filter!
cheetah ms6: 6 voice multitimbral analog synth with 6 outputs. needed some cleaning inside after getting it used from england and i updated it to be cc/sysex compatible. now i don´t wanna miss it. only downside is that it would be a pain to program if it wasn´t for those fine editors out there. haven´t plugged it yet to the deluge. using samples from it so far.
My favourite synth is my MonoMachine; i´m a sucker for FM gear and weird digital synths in general but this one stands out. Off topic - also, my favourite drum machine is my Tempest.
Love my Little Phatty, but selling it to help fund the Deluge. Lots of other options that cover a similar palette that I'd like to check out anyway. I'd never get to if I still own the LP. I'm thinking a vermona mono lancet to fill the hole, but still looking around. I have an Elka Solist 505 with a patent infringing (at the time) ladder filter that I'd like to mod with external audio in to the filter and separate res and cutoff controls.
Though the LP was my first synth love, the MachineDrum holds the key to my heart. Fun out of the gate and still revealing surprises after many years.
I also get many smiles using a heavily modded x0xb0x. Proper NOS trannies in the filter for a touch more juice and most of the mods that have been done to a 303/x0x.
Most every synth I've explored offered something of use, but its got to have the funk to be one of my favorites.
My fave old synth is a Roland Juno-6. Love the tangible feedback from twiddling knobs, and the whooshing synth beach waves one can wash out with it. There's a great VST which gets pretty close to it, but nothing beats the original.
My fave new synth is a Roland Gaia SH-01. Digital synth with great patches to download on the Roland website to extend it, plus the software lets you easily make your own, if I recall correctly. Has a great simple hardware layout which lets me twiddle knobs and get live feedback.
Sadly had to sell all my synths when I moved to Europe...
Oberheim OBX 8-voice - because it almost behaves like an acoustic instrument, very organic and moving sound - this instrument has an old soul inside and it has the power to connect with me on another level via its deep harmonic resonances.
Yamaha QY70 because it's battery powered, it has a DEEP sequencer, 64 voice poly and many internal sounds.
My favorite gear is my Moog Slim Phatty. It's my only piece of analog gear and made me see the organic feel that can come from analog. Just about anything I do on it sounds enjoyable to me. Gotta love that Moog self oscillating filter!
cheetah ms6: 6 voice multitimbral analog synth with 6 outputs. needed some cleaning inside after getting it used from england and i updated it to be cc/sysex compatible. now i don´t wanna miss it. only downside is that it would be a pain to program if it wasn´t for those fine editors out there. haven´t plugged it yet to the deluge. using samples from it so far.
My favourite synth is my MonoMachine; i´m a sucker for FM gear and weird digital synths in general but this one stands out. Off topic - also, my favourite drum machine is my Tempest.
Love my Little Phatty, but selling it to help fund the Deluge. Lots of other options that cover a similar palette that I'd like to check out anyway. I'd never get to if I still own the LP. I'm thinking a vermona mono lancet to fill the hole, but still looking around. I have an Elka Solist 505 with a patent infringing (at the time) ladder filter that I'd like to mod with external audio in to the filter and separate res and cutoff controls.
Though the LP was my first synth love, the MachineDrum holds the key to my heart. Fun out of the gate and still revealing surprises after many years.
I also get many smiles using a heavily modded x0xb0x. Proper NOS trannies in the filter for a touch more juice and most of the mods that have been done to a 303/x0x.
Most every synth I've explored offered something of use, but its got to have the funk to be one of my favorites.