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How to unlink cloned audio clip?


New to the Deluge but couldn't find the answer here or in the manual.
Is it possible to unlink cloned audio clips? I made a clone of an audio clip, mangled it, and wanted to hear them both in song view.


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    BurpyBurpy Posts: 5


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    djAziddjAzid AmsterdamPosts: 204

    "If a preset is already in use, the preset can be unlinked from its “original” creating an independent version."
    Meaning something like, no, you can't do it unless you make another copy of itself (synth / kit [/ sample ?]) and assign that clip to it. But you can delete that one afterwards if you dont like it.

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    BurpyBurpy Posts: 5

    Thanks @djAzid!
    I allready read that part in the manual, maybe it's me not understanding it, but an audio clip isn't a preset such as a synth or a kit i think. So i couldn't do it the way the manual describes it.
    Or is there a way to save an audio clip as a sample? Mmm, maybe i can look that up somewhere in the manual.

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    djAziddjAzid AmsterdamPosts: 204

    Well, if it's not in the manual and you've already tried some ways to unlink, than it can't be done.

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    MaxOSMaxOS Los AngelesPosts: 51

    I usually just change the synth parameters around between the two tracks and eventually they become unlinked. Not an exact science, but I always manage to get them unlinked.

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    BurpyBurpy Posts: 5

    @MaxOS said:
    I usually just change the synth parameters around between the two tracks and eventually they become unlinked. Not an exact science, but I always manage to get them unlinked.

    And if it's not a synth or kit track, but a track with an audio clip? I think that it just isn't possible as @djAzid said. But maybe there's a workaround.

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    AutomaticFormAutomaticForm United StatesBeta Tester Posts: 12

    With only the original audio clip armed, press record + play to begin resample. Press rec + play again at any point b4 the end of the audio clip for it to end perfectly.

    Create a new audio track, then shift + browse. First wav file should be the resample you just did. Load it in. You now have two "uncloned" audio tracks with the same audio, free to mangle.

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    BurpyBurpy Posts: 5

    @AutomaticForm Thanks! That's the best workaround i can think of!

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