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MIDI output glitch

MoneyKennyMoneyKenny CanadaPosts: 10

Hello hello,

It seems that from time to time, when i’m
Midi triggering sequences to external gear, the program will change on the external synth or it will skip a beat or do a midi “panic” ie stay jammed on one note. Doesn’t happen all the time, just randomly.

I’m hoping this will be fixed on the next firmware, cuz i’m preparing to play live and don’t want this to happen in the middle of a set :(

Any help would be greatly appreciated ~


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    amiga909amiga909 Central EuropePosts: 1,078

    hmmm, random bugs are hard to fix. the 3 problems you describe probably dont have the same cause too.
    please try to come up with more details. also, if u could explain a problem that u get often and not just randomly, it is usually much easier to help.

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    OdoSendaidokaiOdoSendaidokai BerlinPosts: 326

    Maybe try to track it down like if in such situations are many control changes, triggers or many notes are playing. It sounds a bit, as if there is a buffer too short. But as @amiga909 said you should try to reproduce that situation.

    Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin

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    CandyGarageCandyGarage MontrealPosts: 8

    FYI, I encountered lots of glitches (very random) when I was using Midi solutions Quadra thru device to split midi over synths & DM - especially notes stucked or not played - it almost made me regret having switched from Electribe (that had no issues with Quadra) to Deluge for doing live sets... I now use Kenton Thru 5 and all the problems are gone :-) Note that some external synth still need some anticipation for their program changes. Hope my experience can help you here!

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    MoneyKennyMoneyKenny CanadaPosts: 10

    Eureeka! I am using the MIDI solutions quadra thru. I think that’s it. I’m going to order the Kenton Thru 5 and give that a whirl to see if that’s the culprit. Thanks!

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    acidduckacidduck AustraliaPosts: 2

    Oh wow, good to know... I'm using a quadra thru and am getting random dropouts... I didn't even consider this might be the problem. I'll have to try tomorrow and see if this is it (I hope so!)

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    dan_blue_blahdan_blue_blah AustraliaPosts: 3

    @MoneyKenny said:
    Hello hello,

    It seems that from time to time, when i’m
    Midi triggering sequences to external gear, the program will change on the external synth or it will skip a beat or do a midi “panic” ie stay jammed on one note. Doesn’t happen all the time, just randomly.

    I’m hoping this will be fixed on the next firmware, cuz i’m preparing to play live and don’t want this to happen in the middle of a set :(

    Any help would be greatly appreciated ~

    I had exactly the same thing going on Deluge as master sending directly to Quadra Thru - and it would drop or glitch. I read somewhere that the Quadra can be susceptible to glitching if it's not getting enough power, and that often devices that rely on USB power don't provide enough.

    I rerouted my midi, I happen to have a Roland MX-1 that is plugged into the mains - so now my Deluge midi out goes into the Roland, which then goes into the Quadra Thru and is split from there.

    I've been running it a few hours now, and no glitches so far. The difference has been enough to not click on the buy button of the Kenton box. Seems like it's working.

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    djAziddjAzid AmsterdamPosts: 204

    I have the one from erica synths, no problems here. Not even when sending midi over bluetooth to the device.

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