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Tips and Tricks
cincinnati ohio usaPosts: 296
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Kit sampling w/ slick monitoring and direct pad auto-assignment:
Go into Settings->Monitor and set it to ON
In your new Kit, add row(s) and set the Type to INLR.
Connect your sampling source to the Deluge and play it (not the Deluge)
Hold down the Audition pad for the kit row you just made and you will hear the sampling input.
While still holding the audition pad, hit the Record button when you want to start sampling. Hit it again to stop.
The row type will automatically be converted to SAMPle type and the newly recorded sample assigned to it (normalised).
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
Emulate sound of old-school samplers 45RPM vinyl sampling technique
Take a sample, pitch it up 12 semitones or more.
Optionally, apply just a bit of decimation (or more, OR apply outboard sample rate reduction/ bitcrushing effects), and either now or after the next process (resampling), add a drive filter to the sample, fully open just to get the saturation from it (adjust OSC vol going into the filter to adjust the drive).
Then, resample it (Hold Rec+press Play if loop, or Rec+the aud. pad of the sample otherwise
Load the resample, set its sample interpolation to LINEear, then pitch it down the same amount of semitones you pitched it up, and you'll get some of that old school grit.
Sample rate reduction + saturation + pitching artifacts = crunchy
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
When editing sounds you can hold down audition pads and press the shortcuts rather than having to press shift all the time, much better.
Didnt know that, great!
Did not realize the osc type was auto set to sample after recording. Very cool. Ive been using a synth track as my line in track. I need to experiment with kits as a way to grab semi random sampling bits on the fly. Thats kind of close to the recording trigs on the octatrack tho, not as automated.
@alien_brain. Dang. I can see that as a really fluid way to compose and improvise variations once youve got it all setup. Thinking with @Icoustik tip of recording direct into a kit row could make the process of adding layers even quicker.
Possibly an obvious one but for multi-sampling an external midi or cv synth (or an internal one) lay out a sequence of notes in triplets view (12 notes to a page at whatever zoom level you want the notes to last for) for example C1-B4 using midi/cv or internal track, mute all your other tracks and use the rec+play resample (remembering if sampling an external synth to run it nto the input) sample the whole phrase making sure that it fits equally into say 4 bars, then load it into a kit using slice mode with the appropriate number of slices eg 48.
Another slice tip - you can load a sample by slicing into a kit and then go into each slices start and end points to change them, you can even have slices which overlap, or if you want you can have a slice play the whole sample, also you can change the order of slices by noting down the start and end points. Remember to use the audition pads to enter the shortcuts rather than shift, the only slight downside is that you need to press back to enter the shortcuts after each slice. I hope that in future the OS can be tweaked so that pressing back is unnecessary and each press of an audition shortcut can jump out of the last into the current slice/pad.
Small detail: when in a sound editor parameter, pressing one of the grid pads once functions like 'back' and takes you outta there quicker than pressing the back button f.ex. 2-3 times when making a new kit and exiting the file browser rather than loading a sample
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
^ Good shout, thanks for the reminder @Icoustik
Just found you can run the arp on the external line-in source.
and keeping the "octaves" setting to 1 gets you a slicer effect on the input.
Step automation is really per note rather than per step. From the manual:
“Automation can also be manually set "per step". Simply hold down a note's pad in track view, and turn a parameter knob. The parameter value will be set just for the region of time beginning at that note and ending at the start of the next note.”
So if I’ve entered a whole note, for instance, I cannot “step” automate the filter cutoff to open every quarter beat.
To create per step automation- I input a “false” note at the place and for the duration I want the step effect, press the pad for that note, adjust the gold knob, then I erase the note but the automation remains.
In a Kit Track you can assign the ARP to an individual instrument...shortest way to do: Press and Hold Audition Pad from Instrument than press (4th from top/5th from right) ARP...turn with speed/measure....
unfortunately individual speed is not learnable to a custom knob.
Long Attack Time can be realized with routing Attack to ENV1 and then turn it to negative values.
(a trick from another user that I can't find anymore)
A quicker way to change the order of the slices is to move their rows around until they are in the desired order: Audition pad + push & turn up/dn knob - which may be exactly what you meant!
I read this once but damn I cant seem to find the tip again - what’s the button combo for fast-scrolling through synth presets? And how much does it jump by? I’ve made so many synth presets at this point I need to speed through them. I know I can hit Load and type on the Qwerty keyboard to jump to a specific letter but I also have a ton of non-named number presets.
This feature never existed?
Afaik, the only fast browse command (shift + turn select) is for browsing songs (skips auto named, numbered song sub slots).
Think this works also for autonamed synth sub presets
Does not seem to work here, it is just for songs.
----Build unique, low cpu kits for any song, quickly by browsing existing kits!-----
This "trick" works since the Deluge will load any sample starting off from the last opened/ browsed location.
Let's say you load an existing kit of 100 kicks into your song, you preview thru them (in context with your track) and find the one you like. With that sample's audition pad, use the "audition/browse" shortcut to open the file browser and press the select knob to keep the file the same and close the browser. Now simply create a new kit and right where you opened that kick, that same kick will be right there for you to load!
You can now delete the "100 kicks" track and find "100 snares"...find the right one, hit browse/select again, jump over to the new kit your making and add that new sample to the kit using the "audition/kit" shortcut, and there's your snare!
This is also a good technique for temporarily creating a new kit via the "select all" option to get the entire content of a folder. Then you can just quickly browse and audition that folders contents without using the scroll knob, picking out and adding to your new kit as you go, deleting the temp track and all the unused samples when your done.
This may be obvious to everyone, but I just figured it out
@LegsMechanical said:
I keep reading that the Ds envelopes leave people wanting. Short max attacks, difficulty finding the sweet spot for decay, etc.. Not so.
Awesome tip You can get some funky curves for sure. I think it may make more sense to say:
Modulate the attack positively with its own envelope.
Modulate the decay negatively with its own envelope.
Huh? This totally works.
Turn on Deluge, loads a blank song with synth preset 0. Turn select knob, get 0a. Turn back left, back to 0. Hold shift, turn select knob, get 1.
I'm not sure if it works for synths with full alphanumeric names though... I don't name my synth presets in a way where that would be useful anyway (although if it works, maybe I should!)
I can imagine that others already came up with this idea.
if you have a lot of projects on the Deluge that are from different genres and you can't tell from the name which genre the project has.
open a new track set e.g. an unused midi or cv channel and now write in the gridmatrix whatever you want and save your track. and when you scroll through your projects in load mode you will always see what genre your project has. of course you can also use color codes for ratings or if a project is finished or in which state it is in.
maybe it is even better for the color coding to create an empty kit with 8 rows without samples
i hope this is helpful for someone