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keytrack off for OSCs or paraphonic poly type
BelarusPosts: 2
To explain this feature request a bit.
This feature would be very very usefull for AM and FM type synthesis but even for simple subtractive too.
To set keytrack off for second osc and to set static frequency will bring a lot of possibilities when sequencing. It'll give constant sound change for different notes. This is also possible with paraphonic/duophonic voicing set up, or even better with it. where while playing 2 notes you don't get 2 same voices but osc's are setting separately for their own frequencies with possibly separate glides.
At least for me this is very important and will bring a whole new world to those 2 not that frequently used synthesis types.
I wish this worked by mapping osc transpose to -50 with Note. However if i recall right it actually begins to go the other way (lower note higher pitch) and there is no sweet spot where its held steady.