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Option to change tempo knob behavior

astralpirateastralpirate United StatesBeta Tester Posts: 10

Hello, I love Deluge, but I would prefer if the tempo knob changed the tempo in 1 bpm increments by default and changed it by 4 bpm increments when pushed in (which is the opposite of how it works now). I found a way to do a live dj set with original beats, but I need the ability to precisely change the tempo quickly, and right now it is too easy to over or undershoot the exact tempo.

I suggest having an option to toggle between the current and suggested behavior in the system settings. Thank you for all of your efforts!


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    djAziddjAzid AmsterdamPosts: 204
    edited October 2020

    I agree, was going to ask this myself.

    Post edited by djAzid on
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    I’d like to see fine tuning bpm, so I can jam with decks/djs

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    MatthewGeorgeMatthewGeorge Cologne, GermanyBeta Tester Posts: 247

    Hold down the tempo knob whilst turning it to move in 1bpm increments.

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    djAziddjAzid AmsterdamPosts: 204

    @MatthewGeorge said:
    Hold down the tempo knob whilst turning it to move in 1bpm increments.

    We know, but it would be nice to turn the knob w/o having to hold it down to increment 1 bpm, just like on any other controller.

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    astralpirateastralpirate United StatesBeta Tester Posts: 10
    edited June 2023

    Now that the code is open source I actually fixed this myself today... I am a novice with C++ but with enough digging I found the section that handles the tempo knob and just flipped the behavior... Turning now increments by 1 bpm, pushing in and turning increments by 4... Once I figure out how to use GitHub properly I'll upload the code and .bin... It feels good to look back at one of my old suggestions and later be able to implement it myself...

    **UPDATE: Here is a link to the .bin file for anyone curious... (on my brand new GitHub page)

    It is just OLED 4.1.3 with the tempo knob behavior change (and I also changed the scrolling behavior for text that is too long... it no longer scrolls... that was bugging me)... Please try it out and let me know if it is useful...

    Post edited by astralpirate on
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