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Simple solution for lack of mixer

miaouxmiaouxmiaouxmiaoux ScotlandBeta Tester Posts: 68

I find it frustrating to have to adjust the level of each clip, or kit sound, individually when I’m finishing the mix of a track. If I finish an arrangement and realise my bass synth is too loud overall, or the EQ is wrong or whatever, it’s annoying and inaccurate to have to go back and adjust it over multiple clips.

I would like to suggest the button combination SHIFT + AFFECT ENTIRE, which would cause all parameter changes to be reflected across all clips that use that same preset. AFFECT ENTIRE could flash to indicate this is engaged.

So if I’m in clip view for a bass synth, I would press SHIFT + AFFECT ENTIRE and any parameters I change would also be changed on all the other clips with that bass synth preset.

If I’m in clip view for a kit clip, and decide my snare is too loud overall, I would press SHIFT + AFFECT ENTIRE, hold the relevant AUDITION pad, and be able to tweak the level / verb / parameters across all clips for that sound only.

In song view, with SHIFT + AFFECT ENTIRE engaged, holding a row and manipulating parameters would have the same effect.


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    miaouxmiaouxmiaouxmiaoux ScotlandBeta Tester Posts: 68

    I should add, this behaviour should be relative by default (changes across all clips are in addition to any automation variance), but pressing down on the parameter knob while SHIFT + AFFECT ENTIRE is active would cause the current value to be written to all clips - in a similar manner to SHIFT press being used to erase automation data

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    MaxOSMaxOS Los AngelesPosts: 52

    This would be amazing.

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    SaschaSascha Posts: 9

    While you’re waiting on this feature, you may try this if you haven’t already. I find it easy to adjust the gold knob parameters by holding a tracks audition pad from within arranger view. For instance if I have multiple drum clips that all use the same kit, I can enter arranger view, hold down the audition pad for that instrument and adjust volume via the gold knob. The change seems to affect all drum clips at once. Is this the basic functionality that you’re looking for?

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    miaouxmiaouxmiaouxmiaoux ScotlandBeta Tester Posts: 68

    @Sascha said:
    While you’re waiting on this feature, you may try this if you haven’t already. I find it easy to adjust the gold knob parameters by holding a tracks audition pad from within arranger view. For instance if I have multiple drum clips that all use the same kit, I can enter arranger view, hold down the audition pad for that instrument and adjust volume via the gold knob. The change seems to affect all drum clips at once. Is this the basic functionality that you’re looking for?

    Hey! Maybe it is! I’ll give that a go, thanks

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    miaouxmiaouxmiaouxmiaoux ScotlandBeta Tester Posts: 68
    edited August 2020

    @Sascha Hey! So I just tried this, and I can't replicate this behaviour. I made a quick arrangement with two tracks that have the same kit, held down the audition button in arranger mode and adjusted the level on the gold knob - it still only adjusts the level of one of the clips - the one that is currently playing on the transport. The change does not affect all drum clips at once, unfortunately, so my request for this feature still stands

    Post edited by miaouxmiaoux on
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    SaschaSascha Posts: 9

    Yes, I’m sorry about that. I thought that worked but I was mistaken.

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