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sample selection realtime exchange

dest4bdest4b Frankfurt, GermanyPosts: 98
sample selection for drumkits and osc sample with realtime exchange.

- if you change a hihat in play mode changing the sample affect directly the played notes.
- if you cahnge a singlewaveform in OSC synth mode changing the sample directly in the osc instead of playing the wave once
- if you change the sample for drumrack in an empty slot or stop mode normal prelistening.

it would be great for osc sampels / singleslice wavforms. we could directly hear the result instead of a "klick"
also an automation with lfo could be crazy .. :)



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    poldensteinpoldenstein italyBeta Tester Posts: 43


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    FASTFAST CaliforniaPosts: 47
    edited February 2018

    Good suggestion!

    It could even be done to where you select the sample as normal which injects it into the beat but the screen doesn't change so you can continue previewing samples if you want.

    Post edited by FAST on
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    sun_shine_loversun_shine_lover TokyoPosts: 4
    Also the previewed sample follows the kits / synths volume and any effects to be able to audition it properly.
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    hardwarecorehardwarecore wisconsinBeta Tester Posts: 22

    Are we talking about something like on the Octatrack and Rytm, where you can parameter lock which sample plays on a per-step basis? Just looking to clarify that I am understanding correctly on this one. If yes, it's got my upvote, though not an extremely high priority one for me. Reason being that, since kits can have pretty much as many samples as you want, it's easy enough to just add the sample you want to your kit and sequence it on it's own. On the OT and Rytm, you really kind of needed a function like this, since the number of tracks was so limited.

    But don't get me wrong, it WOULD be cool to have this option!

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    dest4bdest4b Frankfurt, GermanyPosts: 98
    yes i mean prelistening while browsing and if yo make this like a "parameter" you would have automation for sample exchange. for example lfo or patternlock.

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    LjkLjk Austin Tx USAPosts: 98


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    mrrafsmrrafs ukPosts: 66

    +1 i really hope this happens soon.

    Browsing thousands of single cycle waveforms at the moment is really tedious.

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    ELEVENELEVEN Zagreb, CroatiaPosts: 60

    +11 yes PLEASE

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    amiga909amiga909 Central EuropePosts: 1,078

    oldie but goldie. essentially sample browsing had the same behavior as preset browsing.
    problem i see is it would probably slow down a bit browsing samples. in file browser samples are audible quick now, i suppose due to streaming. for example you browse to a 30s long wav and you have Reverse on, Deluge had to load the entire file.

    alternate idea:
    would love to have the feature changing the sample affects directly the played notes. not at the cost of a heavily slowed down browser though.
    maybe its not about the extra press on the Select knob to load a sample and to get active in the current clip.
    maybe its about the file browser is closed upon selection and has to be reopened all the time. at least thats my main pain point. eventually something like shift + push Select would load the sample but keep the browser open.

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    wooderswooders Oxford, UKPosts: 13

    How about keeping the existing behaviour, but also adding a preview mode that's activated when you do Shift + Scroll (with possible slow down)

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    mikejarodmikejarod NLPosts: 11
    edited June 2020

    If the idea here is that you can change/audition samples in realtime while a sequence is playing by only;

    2. turning the SELECT knob where every click of the knob will load the next sample into a running sequence

    instead of

    2. selecting a sample
    3. pressing the SELECT knob
    4. repeat from [1] for each sample to audition

    Then this is the most important change I would like to see.
    I would even pay for this.
    I'm disappointed it doesn't already work like this.
    To get similar behaviour I'm now forced to make presets for the thousands of files in my sample collection?

    Post edited by mikejarod on
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