what is the difference between poly and auto synth voice modes?
I can’t hear it but I’m guessing it’s more apparent in particular circumstances or with certain patches. What’s a good way to understand what’s going on?
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minigoat cincinnati ohio usaPosts: 296
Im not reading that from a manual, but just going by what I've read from a post of Rohan's regarding a firmware change:
"-- POLY means polyphonic
-- MONO means monophonic, strictly (this is new)
-- AUTO (previously called "OFF") means monosynth behaviour, unless you actually play overlapping notes, in which case it'll allow you to play them polyphonically
-- LEGA means legato. In this mode, portamento only applies when notes overlap"Post edited by minigoat on -
o0_ SANTA MONICAPosts: 107
So since playing a 2nd note in AUTO mode will switch to POLY mode and start a 2nd voice engine to play that note, and when in either MONO, AUTO, or even POLY a single not only use a single voice engine, the only thing I can think of that could be different between playing only one note at a time in MONO, AUTO and POLY is that in both MONO and AUTO when another note played before the 1st note's release stage is finished the envelope is interupted and the previous note is cut of.
in every single mode, playing only one notes at a time sounds exactly the same, and with more than one note, both POLY and AUTO sound the same ( play 2 notes ) while MONO and LEGATO only play one note.
Must be that poly mode is a continuous higher cpu usage. Would make sense to use auto if a lot of synth tracks are used and only play chords or use long releases in note runs that overlap occasionally.
just tried it, thanks for pointing this out. can confirm release time can get cut with AUTO, whereas POLY will not.
my example:
init synth
crank up release to almost max
place a few notes
switch AUTO to POLY, difference is audible easily
the voice stealing algorithm might also limit release time, not sure about that.
the manual could be more clear about that, like AUTO = „polyphonic but monophonic release“