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Boards of Deluge #2 SoundBAnk is Here - 50 Additional Synth Patches
PolandBeta Tester Posts: 47
Get the pack here:
It's time for the second part of the "Boards of Deluge" Sound Bank. I've prepared 50 New Synth Presets for the Synthstrom Audible Deluge. Organic pads, leads and textures ideal for fans of Boards of Canada, Tycho, Kraftwerk, Radiohead etc.
See the video:
These sound great! Any discount for owners of #1?
Instant purchase. I wish that you'd just keep naming them sequentially, 051-100 or similar so I can just drop them on the card.
Thanks for the incredible pack!
Very nice! Take money!
Just bought both. Super impressed, I hope to see even more!
These transformed the Deluge for me and really opened my eyes to what the synth engine is capable of. I'd love some big trance leads and also some classic hip-hop sounds if you're after ideas for #3!
Hey these sound amazing. I am very new to Deluge, as in, it's still in the post. How do I get these onto my Deluge? I guess you drop them onto the SD, is there a particular folder? Thanks
Hi! Yes, just copy the files (only the files) into the SYNTH folder on your SD Card
I have both packs , any too be honest like @wooders this has transformed the synth engine for me ,
The sounds are just more immediate and less sterile, they really showcase the capabilites of the synth. Now all we need is some kind of compresser and we are laughing
Thank you! The third part of the pack is in the progress.