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Can not make Deluge learn system MIDI commands
Beta Tester Posts: 129
I can't make Deluge learn system commands like Play, Restart, Record, etc. from external controller. I tried two different midi controllers (a foot switch and a keyboard with buttons and knobs) and Deluge does nothing while pressing and holding the Learn button and pressing the desired footswitch/button on the controller. However Deluge can learn song parameter midi commands (like Pan, Volume, etc.) from both controllers even by those footswitches/buttons I wanted to use for system commands.
Do you experience similar issue?
Post edited by rudolphrapid on
I was just about to post the exact same question. I'm trying to make the Deluge learn the loop/layer MIDI command and it and it won't respond to a standard CC sustain pedal-down message (CC# 64 - values 0/127) - whereas a note-on from a midi keyboard works fine. I expected this to be trivial. Otherwise I'm having endless fun with this machine.
old manual about global midi commands:
When you enter one of these menu items, the learn button will begin blinking, indicating that it may be used. The Deluge’s text display will show the word “NONE” by default, indicating that no MIDI note / channel combination is currently assigned to the command.
did you try yo learn with notes instead of CCs?
Yeah, I pressed some keys on keyboard, too, but no success.
@amiga909 I finally managed to make Deluge learn note message from keyboard to control those global comands. I got the info that CC messages are not supported. Sad
Thanks for your help.
Anyone heard of Midi CC support for CMDs on future Firmware updates? There are SO MANY midi footswitches with CC program changes but just a few that actually send midi notes...
There are MIDI event processor boxes that allow you to map CCs to notes (eg. MIDI Solutions, Bome, ...). I know this isn't a "real" answer as you end up paying like 100-200 euros more which already gets you a pedal with MIDI note support - unless you can DIY, in which case you can probably DIY a MIDI pedal with your own custom mapping as well
Midi Solutions Event Processor Plus is on its way. I thought it could be pretty simple tough to implement such feature.