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Can Synthstrom hire sound designers to design more modern synth presets?

Or the problem in Deluge synth engine that does not allow to sound modern?
I have Digitakt, Digitone and Deluge. Deluge has some problems like it's general design, I think Elektron's latest boxes are better looking (ok ok it depends on each one's understanding of design...) but Deluge is better I think in its general use, it is more understandable..... but the synth presets (I'm not a sound designer, I'm into production and mixing) are very outdated....
Is it only what I think?
Post edited by magneticum on
Isn't there a 'modern' parameter on the new panels? Comes up 'soon' if you press it though.
Does almost silence mean that everybody is ok with Deluge presets?
I don't know if the problem is that they aren't "modern" enough, but I haven't found the synth presets that useful. It's easy enough to make my own patches, though. I'd hate to see Synthstrom invest in this over fixing other issues like the handling of parameter changes, especially when it's something that could relatively easily be done by users instead (even you!)
In this part of the forum "Deluge Presets" are lots of free different and cool presets. Did you try them? Maybe they are more modern for your taste?
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
There are some cool presets and kits around here, but the quality is mixed and there are a lot of broken download links.
What would be cool is a central git repo of kits and synths that we could contribute to. I personally don't have the skills to design quality sounds, but I'd be happy to pull a git repo together if anyone wants to chuck me some files as a starting point. Obviously any samples should have an appropriate license. still downloadable afaik
free github has a 100mb limit?
I like that we could have a central repo. BUT the license should be crystal clear. Otherwise the owner of the repo is maybe running in problems with other license owners.
AND if you made the presets yourself, you should put a LICENSE file in there and I would suggest a creative commons "CC BY" license (Attribution 4.0 International)
You are free to:
1. Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
2. Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.
This license is acceptable for Free Cultural Works. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Under the following terms:
Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
No additional restrictions — You may not apply legal terms or technological measures that legally restrict others from doing anything the license permits.
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
Hot tip: design your own sounds! It's part of getting what you want out of a piece gear.
Also people have different tastes so it would be difficult to please everyone all of the time.
Doing your own is the best way and you'll learn a lot in the process.
we shall be the Deluge sound designers. 😀
Synthstrom did a call for kit and multi presets here twice, loads of kit presets in the factory content are from users in this forum.
guess they will do it again and hope they make it even votable so Ian has less trouble to decide.
dont love the synth presets, especially with multi i agree there could be much more like orchestra, classic vintage synths, ..
what i love is the fact 808 is the default drum kit. 808 love 💕 forever
Then there should be a good overview as a repository or a maintained pinned post.
Odo Sendaidokai from Berlin
The OP may not be around anymore, but I think it’s worth posting the link to these patches created by Ohdeo:
200 very nice sounds! I made a “best of” collection for my Deluge from patches posted here and around the internet. Many of the patches I chose to save came from Ohdeo’s collection.
~ Distinguished Delugate ᕕ( ◎_◎)ᕗ
This site:
It's the ideal platform for sharing and cataloging presets. But I guess nobody has noticed it, because it's desperately in need of contributions!
good call, @xap, forgot about that cool app
@drbourbon, noticed the upload button reads "Upload preset/song". For what is upload song? Share presets with samples?
I'm toying with adding a Deluge forum and Download area over at
We are mainly Kurzweil focussed at the moment, but if there is interest in a download repository, I can chat with the other admin about it.
Note you'll need to be a member to view the forums and access content, but sign up is free.
This is a fantastic set of 50 patches for the Deluge. Excellent!
I've been thinking about getting a digitakt to round out my deluge and digitone, but I'm not sure how useful it is. I think I just like the idea of the digitakt, lol. Do you find yourself using all three together pretty often and easily?
great idea .. whats the status on this in 2020?
i now have well over 900 synths and multi sample presets loaded onto my SD card all gathered from this forum and facebook ..*theres so much out there ,, jump in the waters great lol *
There are some really tasty analog presets here:
And the Ohdeo set is also full of quality:
There are even more on the shared drive linked above too! I don't have time to audition them all. That, plus some knob tweaking, should set you up pretty well.
If there is interest I'll do it.
I'm in the process of setting this up at the moment over at I'll try to get some files up soon.
Resurrecting this thread. I'm interested, I love messing around with the synth engine. I signed up for the account. I currently can't access the set of patches to listen to. 503 error
What does modern mean here? Got a list of adjectives / sound examples / requirements / ideas? Sound example of things that are not modern?
On a sidenote: some creators from the Deluge Discord started collecting presets here:
@Puppeteer Thanks for posting on patchstorage!
Excited to dig through the sounds, I think I'll start mapping more knobs as well
Is that set mirrored anywhere do you know? Problem with being LTTP on Deluge is that a lot of forum links are dead
Yeah, the mapping is a lot of fun. I'll post my spreadsheet up that auto documents the patches. I was going
I'll post my automated spreadsheet up. I was going to add support for drums and other objects, but it just supports synth sounds at the moment.
Links above dead. Here are the 200 still available online.