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3.01 Looper bugs/problems/requests

jurgisjurgis vilniusBeta Tester Posts: 31

Hi. I'm not sure if this should be under bugs or requests, but they should be addressed in future OS installments:
1. restart (assigned via global midi) plays looped audio only every second time it's activated
2. it is not possible to do additional overdubbing after selecting another track and then reselecting the initial target track
3. it is not possible overdub onto the same track (stack audio)
4. it SHOULD be possible to do non-quantized (instantaneous / punch style) overdub. The quantize function gets in the way of quick stacking of sounds.


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    jurgisjurgis vilniusBeta Tester Posts: 31

    !!!5!!! - there is also overlapping of midi assigned audio LOOP and midi REC functions. LOOP will also overdub midi notes into tracks. I don't know if it's supposed to be like that, but it seems like a glitch.

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    p_watsp_wats TorontoPosts: 111

    I don't see the benefit of changing #3. Everything getting it's own track is so much more versatile and avoids a trapping of all other loopers.

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    jurgisjurgis vilniusBeta Tester Posts: 31

    @p_wats said:
    I don't see the benefit of changing #3. Everything getting it's own track is so much more versatile and avoids a trapping of all other loopers.

    That is a good feature, agreed. But instantaneous punching/overdubbing is a staple feature of almost all loopers that I find to be absolutely necessary. I'm not sure how you would record small fragments of audio without placing them in a predefined track.

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