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Witcherville, AR
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Witcherville, AR
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    This is literally my most important request. I've been waiting on this for a long time. I can't emphasize enough how big of a deal this is to me and my exclusively Deluge centered workflow.

    Here's the business. I have a multi-timbral drum machine. The Jomox Alpha Base. Literally the best pure analog drum machine on the market. It uses 11 MIDI channels for the voices alone (more for other commands). My Vermona Perfourmer uses 4. Say I add an Eventide Space reverb pedal. So that's one drum machine, one synthesizer, and one effects pedal. I've hit 16 channels. Then, I have 10 other synthesizers and a multitude of MIDI addressable effects units. For those of us with a lot of outboard gear 16 channels is highly limiting. If a person has an Access Virus (or other muti-timbral synth) for example and you'd like to independently address all 16 hit the limit with one outboard synth.

    It's NOT that I have to have access to every synthesizer or effect unit in my studio in every song. It's that I don't want to have to think "ok on this song midi channel 5 is this synthesizer but on this other song its this other synthesizer" or "ok I'll move these midi channels around on this synth for this song and to another channel for that song". It's not conducive to consistent workflow at all to work this way. Discrete access to as many hardware devices as possible helps tremendously in large setups. It's why I'm waiting for a Cirklon. 64 discrete midi channel tracks.

    I love the Deluge but have outgrown it and have to move forward. Buying a second Deluge has come to mind. However, for that amount of money I'm 100% of the way to a Cirklon and I just need the addressable sequencing power so this makes more sense. Unfortunately, I'm at least another 16-18 months away on the waiting list and having another 16 addressable channels over USB would be a game changer for me for real.

    Thanks team, love you guys.

  • NRPN

    For the love of Pete, please.

  • NRPN

    Same here. I need need need need this. My Novation Peak has the same issue you guys are encountering. Many controls are only accessible via NRPN. I'd prefer to be able to at least record the values incoming over MIDI from synth knob transmit but you might as well allow the values to be entered manually via gold knob configuration. It's just a pair of values...seems relatively simple to implement.

    The improved resolution provided my NRPN is another reason to support this. I have three synthesizers that would be better served by this adoption. DSI Prophet 08, Novation Peak, and Novation Supernova. There are MANY others on the market.

    I don't have a lot of hope of this being implemented. It seems these types of requests don't garner the attention of internal changes to the synth/sample engine and it's frustrating.