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Bristol, UK
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Bristol, UK
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  • Oh yer I've done that, had to find it out to do off beat extensions between bars and from triplets extending over bars - very essential manouvre! My issue is more just allowing users to go straight to the punch of 1 bar or 1/4 bar notes, rather than…
  • Nice one Rob, will give it a try when I next get by my Deluge and see if this fixes the trick (sounds like it will!)
  • If it can do both then I'm cool with that. But I'd personally like it to be random on its location in the sequence probability, rather than the note being hit on a specific sequence probability - the 2 are very different and give different results.
  • You know you're right there... pushing in the knobs and dialing them whilst holding down a note should do something - 2 useful controls there!
  • Have to say I'm not entirely familiar with the Pyramid or elektron systems as they are never in music shops - you gotta buy them or watch youtube videos to find out what they can do and how the workflow is... I have to say though that the BSP is sti…
  • No I just think I should be able to instantly set the zoom mode to whatever length I want. It's kinda slow and counter-productive to make a tie note, then extend the sequence length, then make another note, and keep zooming out 1 bar at a time when …
  • Ok I got it! Thanks Sam. I already have the Beta firmware, but wasn't aware of the line in (L, R, LR - not in the manuals yet - Synthstrom might wanna update those as into the manual as you add and tweak features to keep track of it all). Took a …
  • Yer true, but if I want an 8 bar sequence of long slow notes, which is very often the case when making pad lines or big chords, it would be nice just to jump straight to 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, or even 1 bar time and plug them in, rather than extending the t…
  • I prefer the way the Arturia Beatstep and DrumBrute do it with Randomness and Probability across the whole beat or per note/instrument. Done on a % scale as well, but would also work on the midi spectrum (0-127)